Monday, January 2, 2012


Clocks rest easy
When their hands are worn
Tired with things to do

Tell me all about yourself
I asked O I asked for you

To speak
Past the passion
We forget
Other times
About ourself

Saying, saying to say
And enjoy
Understanding you
In return

How wonderful it is to feel
Your understanding

If I were not affectionate then
Please forgive me
Once, I sook and found the importance
Finding not the importance in the very moment
The indwelling of fullness once completed

Dear me we say...
Somewhat in emptiness.
But what is empty
The power fills.
Cosmic perfection

And I found the power in the kingdom which begets
All of us

Myth was majesty in our hearts
And the things we talked about were again another part
Telling stories of truthful glory
And the glory went and collected around
Our feet
As we kneeled to the power
The power filled us up
So we could kneel once again

Cosmic glory upon our shoulders
I rest in the magnificence
Of our savior
As it pools between us
The cosmic glory

O what is to suffer a fate and find yourself lost?
If you could find the truth...
What is fate to the openness?
The vastness of infinity

Laughter traces itself
Around the times
As eternity tells time

The face of reason
Speaks easy towards the truthfullness
Of what you've already experienced
Cosmic liberation
Finds you in something new
Entirely unreasoned
O what do you do?

Speaking O speaking of things we do
Have done...
Virtue is in the accordance of paradise
And it felt true
The depth and clarity
Of your intent
Saved you

The intent washed by previous births
Each understanding washes you
To understand...
Is to wash.
With the power we anoint
As we anoint our enemies
With the accordance of truth
The limitations of virtue
Are infinite bliss

Do speak to me again
For I exist
To be spoken with
As the atom exists
To exert its force
The exertion
The only cause of existence
The power

The power, the cause