Wednesday, January 26, 2011

And Calm

peace as that which creates
emotions contained
as that dawning of emotion
releases us from control
the higher spiritual love
saving us from a game

Into our eyes
we see a hue
of a following of negativity
a dimmer life
between the immortal breaks
of lost souls
upon the meeting of salvation
we meet and decide
our fate

As those who remain
guard the tragedy
And the grace
Of the master
rises us burns us away
those connections
burned away
with the flame of yoga
the authentic strain
of our mind
as we look around
and see
those things bothering us
that which no longer gives us the satisfaction
of the lost souls
stumbling over the words
to describe a place
of urgency
the nameless
calling us not by name
but by nature
and the grace of the master
burns us away

to be vindictive
a forgotten goal
of the highest
matter not to distract
not to forget
reaching for rapture
the aspirant is given answers
in hues of defeat
of negative pursuits
anyone clinging to these pursuits
cannot be saved
until letting go
so let those negative thoughts
rendering us in part
more alive
dead to the insufficient mind
alive in spirit
and calm
peace as that which is contained
is released
and the steadiness
can no longer
be betrayed

Monday, January 17, 2011


All rise
In the presence
That the angels sing for

And our enemies inside
If we go over them
We defeat ourself

To be full of fear
And act
Is this the pursuit
Of mystery?

And as we know ourselves
The touch of others
Pleases our senses
As they are blessed
They find peace

To find peace
And remain so
Beyond the bite
Of the darkness

The peace lies beyond
The negativity
That which we speak of
And exists in our weakness
With subtle tones

Our weakness takes on such a voyage
One made for forgetting

The opportunities I take
Lie light on my shoulders
No longer being crushed

And as the angels sing
They touch those who can hear
Of the message of peace
Turning their wants
And their dreams
Into the silence of satisfaction
Could we ever understand?

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The entertainment
We saw with our own eyes
They said blush
Calling a name existing only in the mind
Oh where do I draw
The lines between myself
And everything else

A question easier to answer
When your mind
Doesn't die in weakness

While some die
In the faces of the familiar
Other's choose and perhaps
Suffer in the strange

The bliss
Found in so many days

And we still unwind
Our fate, like twine
Coming together
And separating

It's like the blood
Shed for a cause
Except without the cause
Don't say
It's called history
Cause some of us
Haven't even begun to feel the peace
I saw it in a dream
That this was real
It came upon me
And smothered my everything
Peace not as the sleeping
Hear themselves in joy
Peace as the stranger
Finds home

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Spins out of control
       Don't let go

What doesn't need to be shown
Glows through our skin
 showing more than our doubt

If feeling the doubt, is the only trouble
To be felt
A success to the pity
Of a renaissance

A success to the lost time
bites at our.... toes

We could never jump
high enough
marks this place
with a pattern
of success,
and failure,
of anything in between

It left it's marks
On the pattern of your bones
As they remain
Past the exhalation
Of your breath

And the wind
Rustles the leaves
Calling you
To your destiny

 The power of honest expression
To bow in the presence
Of your god
A humble stroke
Defeats the glory
Of lost time

To our sense,
That some part of this is wrong
I always wanted
It seems to drift
Sometimes when I need it

I see the power
And not to envy that which
Paradise is the promise
And in keeping
My side of the promise
I remain

Could your shelter?
Be any better
 The ugly truth
Was never as bad
As the easy lies
That were spelt
With my eyes
Sentences filled with myself

Never to be forgotten
Sweet sanity fills these words with meaning
As the audience
Creates the event

Never to be forgotten
As I forget my beginning
And cross the t's of my

The words I spell
Are my intention
As the meaning drifts
Through minds
Consuming themselves with the passions
Of the body
They inhabit

It colors the experience
And changes the depth
So silence
Never existed
And that which I felt
Was an ignorance

In the error of my ways
Is better
Than the occurrence
Of doubt
The enemy which waits
To be conquered
By purity