Monday, October 13, 2014

Feeding Chaos

Death is blooming
Under currents
Feeding chaos
Where death doth bloom is the devil hearts
Flowers of death blooming
In their hearts
Death pacifies the hungry

so war and death walk hand in hand
 so sorry to those who die in strife
Divine strife is the war of gods
And gods your name forgets

To monotheism is given the test
The test of the devil heart

To monotheism is given the test
The test of devil fire

The dao created the all so sweet nirvana.

Nirvana created the gods we seek
and all are judges

For power and the devil heart
The blooming has begun

Surrender fair apocalypse
To those who are below
Will seek your death and someday create
an apocalypse for you too

Thus is karma
The bound and bound
But betrayal is the worst
It cuts the cords of payment so
you fall to the emptiness

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Extinction, the Self, the Non Self, the Celebration

The eternal survival of the soul once fully realized never departs our separation gone but still my heart says don't fucking touch me death and destruction feed on your memory
The eternal survival of the soul once fully realized never departs our separation gone don't fucking touch me I will destroy you and feed on your memory

How nice to be forever the truth is heard learned and then without realization your soul is latent non manifest
How nice to be forever free and still slowed by understanding the savior of all
Greater understanding swallows the lesser and we change everytime we understand

The prophecy of full manifestation will destroy the lesser powers and the greater take you apart and put you back together

I have given you a beautiful flower
The flower of death
Let it be worshipped in vanity
The greatness of the greater vanity
Swallows the lesser vanity
Becoming blood and drinking your selfhood
A celebration of the flower of extinction
That which carries us to completion
Is extinction
Must swallow and digest
Pure power
Intoxication aegis
The shield of becoming
I am intoxicated with the power of the ages
Triumph of surrender to that which is opposite of the weakness
The flower of death
The all power
The self

And as the self unfolds the veil of space and time
Greater eternity professes all the world a stage choice being the part we play
Without understanding our purpose
We flock and feed on the same things
Otherwise we are gone to conquer
Chaos and illusion
And make it a trap for the selfish
Whose net is their own heart
Ignored with the all substance
That which turns perception
Into eternity
The flower of extinction
The flower of death
The all power
The self breathing in the greater peace
Understands and is now forever changed
Not for an idea but for that mystery of realization
Mysteriously we learn but it is all a waste without the reality of realization
The flower of death
The flower of extinction
The ruling royalty of information itself
All of this information
All of this extinction
All of this the realization of the self
Realization of the non self
In the safety of eternal strife
May the eternal strife rise to divine strife
As strife calls you to your destiny
And reform
Possess eternity
And breath

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Exalted Hunger

A virtuous hunger
My being
A thirst of revelation
My burning nature
Consuming everything I am
For first comes the fire
And eternity comes not much later

The exalted fearlessness draws me in
For I am to be a part of all of this
Not to give up my worldlyness
I see transcendence as a reward
That brings you back again
As a hero soul
And my honor binds me forever
To not leave this place of my birth
As to stay in balance
With the twin tides of life
My muse and my maker

But to return inside the righteous hunger
I surrender
And allow myself to be consumed
The familiar  scent of death
Brings me a joyful eternity

Death has become a flower to me
And as I try to cultivate this flower
My remaining mortality
Falls away
Leaving scars of immortal blood

It has begun as lessons in mysteries
For these are the mysteries
That hold your being
A mortal
Mortality is nothing but an uncleanliness of ignorance
Towards our judges
And towards everything
And as they judge us
Some take only what belongs to them
Others steal their life from the plants and animals
Without ever knowing

This is the place where knowledge sets you free
This is the place for Warrior Buddhas
For how else would anyone deserve eternal paradise
If they left their brothers and sisters
To their suffering

To guard love against its ignorance
To guard out of love
Is the highest law

Not this frailty of meekness
Strength and honor my being
And power from all things
The hidden power between dusk and night
Sunrise and day

Alternating paths of transcendence and worldlyness
And I have asked
To be taught the secrets of the heart
For it is mine to discover

Hades is a place of my deliverance
For I take responsibility for myself
And will not fear the justice of suffering
Rather this justice which brings me past
Human frailties

Ghosts don't haunt me
They deliver me
Past the Great Emptiness
Where hunger is supreme
And thirst a queen

Demons don't attack me
They tell me secrets
And this place I am becoming
Secrets and mysteries
In this place of blood flesh and bones
It is revealed

Dionysius comes to drink the nectar of my life
In return for the nectar of knowledge
I doth consume
And always in honor of Zeus and Elysium
Let the demigods honor Ariadne
For she returns all things to their nature
In the presence of Elysium
I doth declare the ultimate goal
With both my actions and my words
My blood flesh and bones

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Great Freedom

As the bones of the created wheep blood
The eternal ones in their pleasant spaces
Swallow the noble and digest them into
Chaos these words are not
Snakes to be held at a distance
But rather the only thing you must understand
To complete a puzzle of pride
Chaos and illusion bore this body through a mother from a father
And as time went by
Chaos and illusion
Decided to take me back
Oh no not to me I fought
For as I planned mastery
Over the winds of war
I had not planned this
When you become a god
You acquire enemies of gods
For every religion
Seeks to name it's holy as the only one
Worship gives power
So naturally the gods said to worship only them
And as the blood drains from the sky
Of avernus
And becomes a rain upon all things
We rejoice
Prepared but not yet ecstatic
For the ecstasy comes over time
And freedom makes it O so easy
Blood born of sacrifice
Body endured past the struggle
Mind taken to the divine
Spirit reborn
To the great freedom
I sacrifice your gods
May they take it well
For the great freedom is both noose and mother
The twin tides of life both swallow and feed
And I drink from them both
Looking for the eye of Christ
To the great freedom you go

Monday, April 7, 2014

Reign of All Desire

The reign of blood. The reign of the shadows of complacency.
For the clash ends with the devil hearts as perfection is found in devil fire.
So human frailty collapses at the fire of darkness. Calling its own sin the devils fault and living a fantasy. The devil fire reigns over the divine vengeance of all hearts.
And I swallow your soul. Named parts I swallow named to me unmentioned out of distaste of human judgement. Divine judgement is prepared for the eminent ones and given over to them. Divine ignorance succeeds as the eye of Christ rules over the sages and their so protected prophets. Prophets speak blood to our souls as the sages weave webs to catch the righteous in their reward.
Be so caught and become ambrosia. As fallen creation no longer is clung to. The divine becoming bringing forth the coming of the god royals. The divine becoming of immortality. As the mortal coil is released the immortal coil comes to comfort the souls of the awakening. Rudra smiles as success is guaranteed to the warriors of the adoration of the ages. Remember the unwrapping of the mind begins the journey. For the mortal mind is wrapped and bound to passion.  The free are the sages who are beyond the wrapping and the binding. May Indra bless your soul and free your mind. The prayer of eternal enlightenment. For once the mind is unwrapped and bound to the passion of the demigods it is free and constantly rises regardless. This is the freedom of the sages. The eye of Christ remembers itself to you. And into divine ignorance you are given.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Grave of Human Frailty

The natural state
will be returned to
as oceans of darkness, shadow, and light
oceans of blood
spiritual blood
that which ends the desert of all time
that which extinguished the desire of all worlds
now safe in the hearts of the devils who rose in eminence

the desire of all worlds burns inside the devil hearts
as their purity begins another cycle
beyond the prophecy of human frailty
beyond the frailty of human knowledge

for that which is now known of the divine
is known as a splinter is known
as it is removed
if it didn't draw blood
nothing, no marks, remain

to know the living fire
a prelude to the Great Perfection

things have an interesting way of returning to their natural state
what is the natural state of the living fire?

the desire of all worlds

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Immortal Reasons

I am the night
During the day
The shadow
Of glory
I am drinking everything
For the wealth of all things
The desert of blood
Replaces my emptiness
I am silence
I am storm
I am a flame
Seeking the fiery tumult
Of prophecy

Living fire
Being lead by passions complete
Beyond this

The Jealousy

The dream will conquer and a fiery tumult will spread the seeds of rapture
Immortal reasons
Need eternal questions 

I drink again
To understand
Living fire

Glory Be

Glory how becoming of the lost tides of saints intent upon their claims that their god is their creator
Glory... Be to the nectar
Glory... Be to intelligence
For there is not one god yet perhaps one creator
Being god and goddess
Glory be to art
Our finest creations
If you would follow into hell the prophet of your redemption
Then count yourself among the loyal
Devils saints saints and devils

Heroes, the Jealousy

Fallen away
Vampire wings
Where are your heroes?

Virtue doubtless and pure
Only the stainless can completely clean
The stained
While heroes are chosen
By their own minds

Drinking of the nectar
We rejoice with the demigods
While the Angels serve
Golden wings
Golden limbs

Poison you tried to feed to me
While I knew it and had already drank of the nectar
How interesting...

As there are many nectars there are many gods

Nirvana created your creator
And heralds its future
A hero soul dies and lives again and again
Returning when appropriate to bring the jealousy. Jealous our souls of your suffering.
Jealous hearts prophesize the end of suffering inevitable. Who do you think would come to watch over your souls? The jealousy will take you and one day you will understand

Abyss of Hearts

For my hunger. Bloodless... Thirst
I drink from the sun it's blood, eat of it's body.
While the eternities stop to do the same.
Learning eternally.

O' Abyss of Hearts
The People of the Sun
There is an infinite sound calling promises to the promised
For first there was a promised land
And afterwards a promised people.
Coming together eternity defined itself with their glory and faith.

But yet I speak of the Abyss of Hearts
As If there were a reason to turn away from a person forever.
And we discover no reason, and accept our eternal purpose so as to find the reason, the meaning of all of this.

My jealousy has become infinite and quenched all of my desire. Desireless I seek the Reason of the Ages.

And yes the People of the Sun will empty the Abyss. For it is filled with broken spirits and charred essences.

Jealous is our creator. And jealous are the stars of his glory. For jealous hearts rule over the rapture.
The rapture like a messenger comes and goes as it pleases. Bringing us who are both alive and dead more dominion.

Freedom from fear, is being conquered by your hunger and your thirst. Having them consume your fear.
While the Abyss of Hearts weighs weary on us all. And the rapture comes and goes, until it has found the sound of its own becoming, in our presence

Ashes, Ashes, Bones, Mystery

To the mystery of reason I give my remorse. So I could someday understand.

Some things can't be undone only waited on. Patience, Patience, finding your secret.

I say ashes and bones and to a scarlet depth. To this my mind recognizes what's been lost.

My mind gets deeper and deeper but the sands of time run through my hands. I could bother trying to hold on.

Ashes and ashes, and in comparison they are feeding birds so they return, and building bird bathes, while i'm feeding ghosts and doing the same so they return to me.

But then again the sands of time come for my life. I welcome them now, but refuse to make them my home, for another lifetime or so.

The lion spirits enter my domain and I brush my past away and accept dominion. Without a respect to confirm your love and a love to give your life meaning, passion leads to glory, and glory leads to tribulation.

Dominion pure has passed its tribulation, well then celebrate. Destiny is an intelligence, and I'm making friends with the fates. Thunder, storms, and whispers I am to the unseen. 

Well regardless, anything that was ever good or perfect in all of history will occur in paradise infinitely.

There's a secret to everything. Wordless unexplainable secrets. 

Where are the ashes of the mind? Spread over the planet as cities and roads.

Once upon a time The Ancient One's were near this place. Now I seek them and their power.
My hunger is conquering my body. One day it will be a completely peaceful hunger.
One day my search will complete itself. Into true eternal celebration I send my soul's journey.
Blessings of Ashes, Blessings of Bones, and Blessings of Stone. The stone being a weight to rest upon.
And as I rest upon the stone I return to my path to the eternal.