Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Great Freedom

As the bones of the created wheep blood
The eternal ones in their pleasant spaces
Swallow the noble and digest them into
Chaos these words are not
Snakes to be held at a distance
But rather the only thing you must understand
To complete a puzzle of pride
Chaos and illusion bore this body through a mother from a father
And as time went by
Chaos and illusion
Decided to take me back
Oh no not to me I fought
For as I planned mastery
Over the winds of war
I had not planned this
When you become a god
You acquire enemies of gods
For every religion
Seeks to name it's holy as the only one
Worship gives power
So naturally the gods said to worship only them
And as the blood drains from the sky
Of avernus
And becomes a rain upon all things
We rejoice
Prepared but not yet ecstatic
For the ecstasy comes over time
And freedom makes it O so easy
Blood born of sacrifice
Body endured past the struggle
Mind taken to the divine
Spirit reborn
To the great freedom
I sacrifice your gods
May they take it well
For the great freedom is both noose and mother
The twin tides of life both swallow and feed
And I drink from them both
Looking for the eye of Christ
To the great freedom you go

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