Monday, July 16, 2012

Eternal Destruction

The great toleration speaks to me, this is the voice of the seers.

But not the ancient tide of your striving. To strive in majesty comes yet from the service to the divine frustration. For the divine is frustrated with this place of tribulation and toleration.

The frustration gives tribulations yet to understand the being of the soul is in (what) it gives. My souls identity comes from its source of giving and nothing more.

The flow, the flow, of majesty, comes

To describe this place is music.
Look to science and find in it a mental direction which is not science at all
True science is music and the fact that this is confusing shows the current state of scientific exploration. Music is vibration creating perception. Perception is consciousness, and consciousness is soul. Thus science is changing perception. Be that through a vaccination or anything else.

TO give me science is silly my soul speaks. For I am science and nothing more. And you will find in my memories a striving for not caring. Well be desired of yourself, for my cares are divine. And I require nothing more of you.

Yet the toleration continues. Everything in this place subconsciously tolerates divine vibrations. I fear not for my body for this reason. For I need not communicate my material karmas with another place. This place satisfies my burdens and I train in eternal destruction of the internal martial arts not to destroy anything but that which is already constantly in a state of destruction known as change. To change is to destroy, and to destroy is shiva. In eternal dedication I commemorate this moment for my self. For the relaxement of all confusions. For the bliss of eternal destruction.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

To Fall in Love, the Heart Grows Fonder, but to Fall Completely For Everything is God Itself

Bolster my approach, O Lord of Destiny.

For you I drink the nectar, not for myself.
But for you.

Set free the faithful from their confines.

They would again find themselves snared eventually, had not understanding found its sway.
And the sway of the stars is the sway of your destiny, the sway of understanding.

Resounding the music of the spheres dawns in majesty. When one serves the majesty there is no seeking just service. Why for do you seek when you could serve, my lord of the reason of my heart's contraction? Is it not to find? When we serve we find our self truth but who is concerned with such naught of frailty. For strength only attracts the prepared. Prepared for the music of heaven, the song is heard in the frailty of the bones, as they seek the vibration of the resolution of mankind. The resolution of mankind is in the sacred pursuits. And in this I dedicate my sloth. For in my sloth is service, yet the body sleeps to serve differently the divine rather than the contraction of material fear, the vibration of the failure of the modern world to unwrap the mind of its civilization. 

Set free the faithful, and see then their actions were bound to the ether of the mind, which speaks in tones of frailty to those who seek selfish power. For why do you think the mirror of your mind reflects so? The beast of karma bears your burdens and burdens your bearing. For we take care of this beast and it carries us home. The story of the faithful finding home, O I bear it for home is not just a design in time but rather something more.

And In home I set both my heart, and my design. For the plans of man resound in my mind, and in my heart. And is not the design of man the finding of home? 
Design design, this place reads of the splendor of understanding you.
O Lord of Destiny to your demeanor I return my design and surrender it to you. Please my heart creator and give me a design which encompasses the mystery of life. This is not what I seek for I have found that which is patient with suffering, of which all things are made. The technology of the divine is made not with a material compass. But do not be deceived O friend, in the delivery. From our birth to our deliverance, the compass of our soul reads. How we chart our destiny, with the sounds of affection, the care of comfort, and the heart of knowledge reads us back to history.

And to history I deliver you my friend. As the judgement of the soul is the simple courtship of the unity of God. For which do you think you would become a god? A part of god, god, there is no difference. And in this I deliver you eventually. Difference is not of this world. If I showed you difference you would profess to having never seen it. What is called difference is really disagreement. You cannot have truth without exploration. As the activity of the sphere defines the sphere. And the observer becomes the observed object after it consumes its desire to be different with the onslaught of lives of experience and the eventually falling in love of the soul with all that is.

Do Not Delay, O fair Journeyer

The demigods adorn themselves with spices. As the humans adorn themselves with a myriad of passionate embraces.

The embraces defy time.

Oh how the passionate come to pause and understand.
Conquering in their path.
Both the righteous and the serene worship them.
To take passion astray when it is pure is impossible.

How the spices of the ages pull me in...

Divine strife I call on you to ease the wicked of the world.
For the way of the world is to rest in moderation, thus the way of the world is divine strife.
To ease a burden without causing the fire of love is halfhearted service.

In service of the service of the ages, for which we desire god to cause the stars to melt. This the stars have, our posterity. This the stars have... the bones of the resolute. And she said, send the spine a garland of stardust. The highest material creation of the material universe is the garland upon the spine. The spine functions beyond time. You could say time functions for the spine.

The passions speak as a deadly force, to those who use them ignorantly. As the spirit world deceives the emotional...

The wrap is upon the mind. The mind is so wrapped in its deadly passions it is contained.
Do not delay the mind being unwrapped O fair journeyer.