Saturday, October 30, 2010

Wonder Why: Familiarity

A stroke of familiarity
With heavens brush
I lose myself in the crowd
Nothing special
I saw the waste
In our souls
As our guts regurgitate
A sweet melody
Of deceit
Trading today
For tomorrow
And as I look inside them
There exists
A stroke of familiarity
As if a painting of heaven
Spoke to me
In volumes of intuition
Similar to the inspiration
And if I look close enough
The familiarity begins again
As if I couldn't get enough
The first time around
So I let heaven
Paint the picture
With whatever brush
Is preferred
Life is a high stakes game
To some
As others are too frail
To play with anything
But our hearts
Chasing afterthe skies
Seen on sunny days
Repeating the message
As i regurgitate
The sweet melody
Received in honesty
The honesty
Not to be traded away
Even if we are in agony
For we rest in each other
Let this rest continue
Begettiing hope
And perhaps: Surrender
And embrace the dieing day
We stop and listen
To the words
And whats below
Which is more important
You were in a special place to me
A place reserved
Out of trust
A trust that exists no more
And in my reserve
I separate my love
And find myself
In the sweet nothingness
Of mankind
What am I?
Is a phrase we ask ourselves
When the daylight
Is separated from the sunny day
Then we wonder why
The question persisting
Till we get what we wanted
Then the questions disappear
To reappear
Another day
It sounds sincere
And perhaps beautiful
To wonder why
When we deserve the world
To wonder why
When the picture is complete
For all we can see
For all we can doubt
Is just the image
Of the divine

Monday, October 25, 2010


The joy of the world
An ambition
That can't be controlled
Still we strive

Out of style
The reticence
A fountain of disbelief
Fed with the waters
Of waste
So look to the beautiful
And offer some grace
As if you were any more lost

An apology
For the distraction
From virtue
That was my mind
Before the surrender

Based in desire
Our body impure
Enough because
Our vanity
Will never
Stop time

The pursuit
Of virtue
The wildness of our youth
As the future
Dawns on our shoulders
With a clear mind
And clean sight
We are offered
An end to our ambition
Of passion
What will be planted in it's place
A steady seed
Conquering the disbelief
Of false hope
An indication
Of being at the end of our rope
Battered by the ocean of life
Looking for the port of salvation
We wipe the sleep from our eyes
The armored ones
Armored by the words of their god
Speak volumes
Of persistence
Of the resilience
A friend of the body and mind
An ethology of soul
Transmutes the flesh
Into spirit
At the time of death

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Days

Life's a blessing to the blessed
And a curse to those cursed
To those in between
It's still a test
Oh the wicked air
Of vice
Disturbs that righteous mind
Still remembering it's tests
While those in steady bliss
Remain undiscerned
And undisturbed
In the grandeur of our lust
We don't stumble when we should
As the grandeur
Is not in the individual
But in the civilization as a whole
I feel the lust
But it does no duty
To me
Seek not an image of yourself
For you are the image of god
Aspiring to this
Be still my mind
Abandon all vice
Or the days
Will leave you empty

Saturday, October 23, 2010

the heart of man

our hearts were made
for each other
our hearts were made
without conceit
a stain on the stainless


our hearts were made
without device
which we learned
the environment

the other
that which we absorb
and change
no destruction

and as our actions
belie our source
our transmigratory cycle
that we are born into
in our origins
does nothing
makes a spectacle
of the love
we find
in our wandering

don't wait
to watch
and watch
to wait
a sobering thought
the love we found
shows us our heart
leads us forward
a place in time
beyond destruction
powering the memories
of the past
upon our shoulders
rests our righteousness
and the issue
is our device
and its image

how we made it through
with the weakness we took
the shortcut
it wasn't right
and the love we found
has become a memory
while to some
still in it
it intoxicates

our hearts were made for each other
and to those
who seek not the image
of the divine
seek after the actual
the price we paid
becomes a memory
an issue
of the past

how we made it through
the times
mankind surrounding us

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Great Spirit of Mankind

Deny yourself
And you'll want again
Burn slow
Steady mind
The great spirit
Of mankind
The passage of the soul
Through the times of man
A humble spirit
Not that of design
Of surrender of the mind
To the spirit that is
The spirit that conquers all
Restrain yourself
No denial
A mortal sin against your mortal soul
The denial will leave you wanting
While the strength to restrain
Is akin to a blessing
Bear with the aggression for some time
Pleasant soul
No recourse
But that of the divine
Like a dog on a leash
Knowing not what it's owner pulls for
The protection of the above
The restraint practiced by the mind
Noticed by those inside
There's a thin line between
The mysteries you were meant to know
In time
And the occult
Which will be the death
Of your design
So kind soul
Be humble besides your maker
Beside the exposition of your flaws
Your humility
No recourse against the divine
The divine image of mankind
It will clear your mind
He who takes a life
Takes his own
Listen to the great spirit of the times

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


A vain enjoyment
Takes me to bed again
I'm sorry
The world goes on

Oh how we praise
The sinless
With our hearts
As our minds
Dwell on ourselves
And our hands light
The world
With compassion

I can feel it coming around
Passing by
My vanity
The things I've clung to
Have become weights
And how they weigh me down

I begin to grasp
Again onto myself
Becoming as a weight
To my own soul
What a burden

I can't help but look for something
To spice this up
Cause the familiar flavor
Excites me not

A selfless sword
The word of god
The only thing
Worth clinging to
In this ocean of the seeds of man
The seeds of doubt
Growing plants of disbelief

Somehow I turned it around
Just don't ask me how
The secret is in the transmission
Faith's conquest over green shrubs
Of disbelief
Grown with the water of the discontent
Forever green
With envy

Was I put here to just consume
I ask
As I smoke a cigarette
Iv'e seen too much
To not ask why
Still amazed with the outcome
But it's for me to experience
Not to be separated from
May my heart sing the praises of heaven
And my soul revel in the absence of doubt
Cause with these eyes
I see a hangover
Taking thousands of years
Pulling us back and forth
Through time
And wishing
For those times we held so close
Sad when we realize
They are never coming back
Happy when it comes around again
So be it as it may
I will remain
Until again I am called
In service of the divine
Hoping my praises were heard
That heaven may prevent me serving

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Of Our Own Device

Of our own device
I see death between
Sheltered palms
Sheltered from the storm of life
In the pleasant
Things they've found along the way

Dead of our own device
I can see
The ego
In its place
Holy smoke
The fire coming from above
And all the heavens
Of the truth
Couldn't stop
The downfall
Of wasted time
It's nothing without you here
Without a soul to color the abyss
It exists not
And without the ego
Of comfort
I feel the strength
In my chest
My heart

And now I'm falling down
We wonder when it's gonna come around
There's so much to hold an opinion about
But none of it will save your soul

One day we will see past
The passions of our own choices
You may remember why
From time to time
It's not the same
Filled with the weakness of our vice
Which is seen not
In the comfort so afraid
So afforded
By the ignorance
The darkness
These worldly things
Attract my vice

An enticement of sorts
Giving in to the spirit
Brings me relief
I can feel the love
In my chest
Makes me feel
More than just a wish

It was given to me
A way past this vice
The tragedy of lost time
A picture of our device
Is worth a million words
Well then I say
Look inside

And the great sky will open to you
Not the one above your head
The sky of the world of man
The sky I speak of
Has no clouds
No need of the silver lining
It's pure
Seen by those
Who aren't afraid
Of the world

It's all light
Duality only exists
Where there's a price
To be paid by our minds
The ups and downs

I thought I lost
My device
In the sparkle
Of the world
Back again
It never ends

I would embrace
The answer to this
And of course it comes
But I speak no more
Given into silence
In place of judgment

Friday, October 1, 2010

Throes of Passion

When ignorance like darkness overtakes us
We ignore those in the throes
Of passion
A love for something that turns you
Upside down
The throes of passion
A begging of the heart
For more
Besides the excellence that guides
Us to all that is good
The spirit of the holy god
Without him
The darkness overtakes us in our
An elegance of the heart
Wanting more
No more to the throes of passion
For there will always be more
And then a withdrawal
When that which amazes you
No longer stops you in your tracks
Goodness then takes us
The only truth
Is that which exists
And in it's existence
We know ourselves
To be what we are
Oh heroic soul!
Guide me past this place
With the goodness of the above
Leading me less astray
Every day
The price has been paid
By our maker
The price of faith
Is the task of our suffering
To realize the fear and the love of god
Go hand in hand
The spirit gives all that is good
While the flesh beckons
Like the land of the dead
Those who were deaf to the light of life
And in the darkness
They were pushed farther away
From the children of the light
Those who God has taken
In the hands of God
We are taken
With the choice
To perish
Or to be reborn
In the majesty of our faith
The majesty which is the glory of God
Inside each of the faithful
A gift of spirit
Received to free you from the fear
Of the godless
Make no false gods
Oh heroic soul!
False gods we have made of this place
The worship of love forgets the task of faith
To fear nothing but God
And love everything through him
The sweet fragrance of salvation
Impeding the darkness
The trite which has fallen by the wayside
An ignorance lost
As the above suggests we lighten
Our load
And make no false gods
Saying this is the goodness
Here it is
It takes up your time
Without the perfection
Of your mind
From the throes of passion
Passion will always let you down
Like the clouds raining
The particles of our mind
Upon the earth
So let go of the earthly passion
And your worship of these things mankind has designed
Nothing is good
But God
And nothing is sacred
But that which brings us closer
To the living truth
The living God