Tuesday, June 26, 2012

And the Powerful Become Hungry Again...

The might dissolves... and the powerful become hungry again.
Yet the weight of the world
Rests upon the mighty

There is no glory, without a cause
A cause greater than yourself.
You say good luck
But there is no luck without power.
To seek glory without a cause is tribulation without salvation..
And to seek luck without power, is ignorance.

The might dissolves with the materials, the minerals, without understanding, it is temporary.
Power from understanding is eternal.
The mighty quote the sky, and learn much.

The path of might, is the path of the knowledge of the stars.
You wonder yet.. you wonder still.
The path carries with it the weight of the world. To carry it alone is folly and tremendous weight upon your soul.
Folly takes the toll of wasted time.
The toll of wasted time takes the beauty of life and covers it.
Distract my soul with waste.
Explode my indifference.
Regardless the might dissolves with time.
I look to time. As time is an ally of logic.
Rationality brings patience. As things which make sense are predictable.
The hunger returns and defeats the patience. I become the wanting again.
Only through capturing power through experience of understanding life... Will the majesty capture me. There is no royalty on this planet but the few... Royalty comes without hunger, ask the kings of the past if they felt the pull of desire. I take meaning from the crown of goodness.
It is folly to believe anything you don't respect. And it is impossible to truly respect something you don't understand. Oh my folly, I release the labels of my beliefs and find life an experience not to be separated with argument. The conflict is sexual at all times, there is hope in this understanding. Every war on this planet occurred and continues to occur as a result of sex. To be free of conflict we must be sexual beyond the violence of longing, control, and misunderstanding. Control is violence, and control is sexual energy. To be sexual purely is to be always playful. The world is controlled by hunger in the strong, and fear in the weak. Your choice where you want to be. As being beyond the two takes even more...
   Oh the glory... I speak of the glory of being beyond wasted time. Time opens my wounds to heal them and it no longer bothers me. Yet we speak the same in conflict again. And I wonder how to give up control. For their is no hope in passion without sex being understood. Sex is a passion, and passion in its pure form is never wrong. Passion gives you life, as do the cycles of sexual connection.

Sex is god, and you understand it not. So believe yourself to be, something you can control... and wait for eternity. I give up to the intuition of logic and will not argue with you, for I seek to not be controlled. It is only through giving up control that we can be beyond it. So I give up, not to find happiness, for I've felt happiness before, and it goes away... But for understanding, for this brings a depth of contentness which won't be relieved. For I am consciousness and always will continue. Speak yet of haste and be relieved of the glory of control. Be relieved servant, for you are a servant of control.

Be relieved.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Clouds of the Age of Reason

Floating through the clouds of the coming of the age of reason.
We bend and break the rules.
Trying to stay alive.
Until passion overtakes us, we think twice in a bad way, doubting ourselves.
But this isn't about doubt, thinking yourself into a reasonable personality. Thinking twice.
This type of thinking twice...It's about caring for everything.

The sun shines regardless
So we blink and move on with our lives.
Not examining the important things.

This fun that I experience, got old. Without an examination, of what is meaningful in life, this fun is meaningless. I guess if your not there yet, you haven't had enough fun yet...
So go have some more...

I burn with passion, but I struggle to not burn myself. As I have before. My anger a cause for explosion. Control of passion is the highest virtue. There is excellence in the world... because of passion. Goodness exists, because of  passion. The first defeat of ignorance is the discovery of something to be passionate about. Something beyond self preservation. Why preserve the self when it is eternal? I feel passion but I lack something I desire. Thus I am not completely in myself. This is only because my passion is not strong enough to defeat the lacking. Any lack can be defeated by a strong enough passion. And this idea gives all the strength that is ever needed.

The coming of the age of reason, makes me think twice. So I go about in reflection. Contemplation the highest pursuit. Understanding the highest experience, an expression of my love. The coming of the age of reason comes with reasons of importance. Reasons which define our relationship to each other. Reasons which give us a cause, a motivation. Motivation is beyond strife. In an equal contest, quantitatively, the most motivated contestant wins. This means motivations are an essential aspect of winning. To win we must be motivated. If we are completely motivated we have already won. Motivated in every aspect of our being. This motivation transcends boredom, and energy. Energy is limitless, all of this is infinite, all you need is motivation. Of course I don't mean the bodies energy. What is meant is mental energy. The energy of consciousness always continues.

The reason. Oh the reason. I anoint myself with reasons and find respect the cause for life. Life was created in respect. In respect of love was life born of it's own foreknowledge. Life was born from it's destiny, outside of time. Life was born from the ending already experienced in its birth and its reason for existing. Time the eventual conquest of love. The finding of life's destiny.

Time...Time...Give me reasons to persuade me. Rather than finding the cure. Cure my bones Rudra oh how they are weary and weak. They bend but perhaps I have been through enough for them to not break.

I never meant to become so angry. But now that I am, I find it suitable. Anger is a passion not appreciated in this mundane world. This imperfection that we call a planet. To be angry is to be real. Not to be anger itself is weakness for there is much to be angry about. Ignorance causes temporary comfort so who cares? I laugh at this position. The humor of the cycles of life gives me constant entertainment. The clouds of the coming of the age of reason don't choke me any longer, for I understand the spirit of entertainment. I am entertained by the ignorance of the day and laugh. In my anger I act, Oh I act... Freeing myself from the ignorance.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Passion Itself

The infinite begs for your passion
To reach it.

Gracing its heights
I'm full of bliss
In transit
I am different
I look to passion
To bring me through.

The times of man
Change my schedule
As misfortune
And fortune
Touch me

The infinite begs for your passion
To reach it.

I sold my soul
To the rapture
But I have nothing left
Cause now I have to understand everything
And what I don't understand means nothing
Doesn't satisfy me

So I understand you
And it satisfies me.

Again I speak of passion
Not to cease and desist
At all
For to speak of passion
Is to speak of the solution
To any problem
Is passion.

Enough passion and the clouds are always attractive.
Enough passion and you can always forgive your love.
Enough passion and pain is meaningless...

Trial and tribulation have pierced me
And I grew weary
I learned I had an inside
And stayed there forever
But forever never lasts forever
Does it?

I never left you to your own ends....
I simply blinked
And made my mistakes
It's important to grow weary
Without weariness where would freshness be...
The style of the times is always pleasure
Once you realize this.
You can always be stylish.
To the truth.

There's this point in your life.
Where you realize how to make your life ten times easier.
And we find it and hope it lasts forever.
Hope that when I'm reborn I remember, all that I learned
If you spend enough time trying to figure something out.
It eventually gets figured out and your safe in it.
That gives me hope
That gives me passion.
Because passion isn't in one thing.
It's in the combination.
You see you have passion FOR things.
For life, for music, for people...
And this passion gives you life

So to be completely passionate, one must have passion for everything...
Passion for work... passion for pain.... passion for misunderstanding...
Cause there's a lot of it...

And this passion come from a connectedness with life.
This connectedness can only come from understanding.

So, hearken to the style of the times.
Absorb and understand
And become passion itself.