Sunday, June 17, 2012

Clouds of the Age of Reason

Floating through the clouds of the coming of the age of reason.
We bend and break the rules.
Trying to stay alive.
Until passion overtakes us, we think twice in a bad way, doubting ourselves.
But this isn't about doubt, thinking yourself into a reasonable personality. Thinking twice.
This type of thinking twice...It's about caring for everything.

The sun shines regardless
So we blink and move on with our lives.
Not examining the important things.

This fun that I experience, got old. Without an examination, of what is meaningful in life, this fun is meaningless. I guess if your not there yet, you haven't had enough fun yet...
So go have some more...

I burn with passion, but I struggle to not burn myself. As I have before. My anger a cause for explosion. Control of passion is the highest virtue. There is excellence in the world... because of passion. Goodness exists, because of  passion. The first defeat of ignorance is the discovery of something to be passionate about. Something beyond self preservation. Why preserve the self when it is eternal? I feel passion but I lack something I desire. Thus I am not completely in myself. This is only because my passion is not strong enough to defeat the lacking. Any lack can be defeated by a strong enough passion. And this idea gives all the strength that is ever needed.

The coming of the age of reason, makes me think twice. So I go about in reflection. Contemplation the highest pursuit. Understanding the highest experience, an expression of my love. The coming of the age of reason comes with reasons of importance. Reasons which define our relationship to each other. Reasons which give us a cause, a motivation. Motivation is beyond strife. In an equal contest, quantitatively, the most motivated contestant wins. This means motivations are an essential aspect of winning. To win we must be motivated. If we are completely motivated we have already won. Motivated in every aspect of our being. This motivation transcends boredom, and energy. Energy is limitless, all of this is infinite, all you need is motivation. Of course I don't mean the bodies energy. What is meant is mental energy. The energy of consciousness always continues.

The reason. Oh the reason. I anoint myself with reasons and find respect the cause for life. Life was created in respect. In respect of love was life born of it's own foreknowledge. Life was born from it's destiny, outside of time. Life was born from the ending already experienced in its birth and its reason for existing. Time the eventual conquest of love. The finding of life's destiny.

Time...Time...Give me reasons to persuade me. Rather than finding the cure. Cure my bones Rudra oh how they are weary and weak. They bend but perhaps I have been through enough for them to not break.

I never meant to become so angry. But now that I am, I find it suitable. Anger is a passion not appreciated in this mundane world. This imperfection that we call a planet. To be angry is to be real. Not to be anger itself is weakness for there is much to be angry about. Ignorance causes temporary comfort so who cares? I laugh at this position. The humor of the cycles of life gives me constant entertainment. The clouds of the coming of the age of reason don't choke me any longer, for I understand the spirit of entertainment. I am entertained by the ignorance of the day and laugh. In my anger I act, Oh I act... Freeing myself from the ignorance.


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