Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Always Time

Our bones are already buried
In our hands
As they work
To hold everything together
In this place
Of wandering

It was so terrible to watch
A collapse
Of our minds
And our actions follow
Something mysterious
It can't be denied
It's what the faithless
Believe in
Those who can't
Quiet their minds
Wandering lust
From place to place

What do you believe in
Besides the future
Your own subconscious existence
Faith in yourself

It was so terrible to watch
With this mind
Your mind discerns the reasons
But what about the reasons
Of the mind
That which propels us forward
To see the world
And discern ourselves
In time

I think not
And in doing so
Am aware of what is below
This continuing stream of desire
That leads nowhere fast
Which I could never respect

The desire points to a solution
For the lost mind
Drunk on emotions
Finding meaning in the temporary
And losing what it has
From time to time

It shouldn't be your dear destination
Blessed be the hopeless
Strung with strings of desire
Which make an unavoidable music
The music of lust
We've seen this movie over and over
Playing since the root of time
Which waters the tree of the eternal
It goes on forever
Have you not never needed a thing?
As if everything you did
Was in the grace of your creator
Truly you have found your bones
Where will you bury them?
In your hands?
In the actions of you wishing well
In your mind?
Thoughts of yourself taking up your time
What is new is the design
Bury your bones in Time
Bringing you forward
If your granted rest
From the necessity of life

I can feel it
So close
No wondering why
Times increases my faith
Assures me of my fate
The fate of the lovers of each other
Has no need for the lost
There's always Time

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Don't Wonder

Pouring down the sides
Of a cup
Visceral emotion
Beneath the fire
We live for the next breath
As if living wasn't enough

Beneath the fire
Sings the air
Another song
For all of us

I took what I love
Far enough
To let it go
Had enough
Seen the shadow
Of my blessings
Upon my brow

My family
My blood
My life
It just goes to show
What your thinking of

Where could you lose
The lost become safe
With grace
Safe in their redemption
Just takes some time
To see the ending
No need to rewind

So take your time
The ending is always surreal
When you can hear the sound
Of the ambush of our minds
By the things that make us wonder
How's it going to come around

Wake up and smell
The dieing flowers
Dieing to find a way out
My sins are burning away
And all I can think of
Is being saved
It fills you up
Better than the cup
Of visceral emotion
I'm sorry it'll never last
Just another feeling
In your mind
You've felt them before
They go away with time

Safe in the question
What do you do with your time
Don't wonder
Don't wish
It's not quite time
That's why

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


its a catastrophe
they beg for it to end
they beg for their life
to be taken from them
they beg for their lives
anything to change their fate
it's a catastrophe

and when our fate crystallizes
will you be the one begging
no one can change a thing
cause you made it for yourself
lives past
spent in yourself

well here is the reaction
so cling to it
be it bad or good
another choice
a thing to do
we saw it so clearly
in our minds
and then it broke it pieces
in our hands

no one can do a thing
but surrender

one day your body
will fall apart
in little pieces
called a masterpiece
of temporary satisfaction

you cant battle
without a fight
just like you cant
without a price
feel it in your heart
in your soul

no one can do a thing
but surrender

its a catastrophe
won't get you out of this one
too much blood
was spent
on emptiness
when there's a price to pay
there's profit for someone to gain
but who wins
when the price to pay
is your happiness
your life
don't act like you don't know the answer
to this one

they came
they conquered
our ancestors
born in the primordial sea
left us a pretty picture
of how it all worked out

no one ever told you
how to let go
how to survive
in unlimited time

and no one
can do a thing
but surrender

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Choice

And the days are stealing away
Our innocence
As if you wouldn't be caught dead
Free of vice
Every now and then
I can see it in their eyes
In the sins of the time
Everyone does it
And excuse that couldn't be passed
By our minds
Full of excuses
That remind me of another time
This age old habit
Of dieing
As if being devout
Wasn't enough for them
The land of the dead
But don't let it get
To your head
Full of life
Full of risk
You were once
And we can't give in
To the enemy of man
Without some sort
Of test
Of righteousness
Of faith
As if the devil
Would just go away
Without your savior's blood
Shed in
Another time
So far away
It comes to you
As respite
Killing another joker
Intent on materials
The land of the dead
Calls your name
But don't let it get to your
Your reputation
As a victim
Couldn't fill you with this much dread
The lake of fire
Found you safe
In your victimhood
But whose choice was it
To choose life over death
And not in this instant
Your either living to die
Or dieing to live
Nothing is more important
Than your conscious choice
No more excuses
Cause I chose
I'd rather die now
And live forever
Than live now
And die forever
That's my choice
So bury me
Wherever you'd like

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Time When

The death of the day
Is the reason of the night
Taken by the senses
They pursue their lives
Like another love
That you couldn't see
Till it was too late
To change

Our design
Our dangerous
We can't see the light
For the day
Cause we're too close
To our own

The pain
Helps you see straight
Like a lost cause
Those who follow

A special remedy
For those
To touch the beauty of the world
As if we could ever see
For the sake of our eyes
They serve the body
As we serve the higher
Why don't you save the world
From itself
Another reason
To wonder why
I am your desire

It was enough
To decide
For myself
That it was all wrong

So carry your futile
A response
To the righteous
And the wicked
When it feels like
It's all over
For all of us

Like the answer
Was temporary enough
For some subtle

Flaws were spent
In service
For something unknown
I spent my past
Seeking the pleasant
When all I needed
Was to not be

A separate story
Teaching us how to run
No way to see
In anything but black and white
The color of our lives

Looking back
There's no way
To see straight
And end for something real
That we held so close
So don't listen to your

Listen and again
We will seek
The sound coming through us
It's real

An arrogance
That you couldn't get rid of
As much as you tried
The revelation
Of your soul
Saying one more time
Over and over again

We could all pursue
The happening
The persistence
That we carried forward
To another choice
Made in respite
Of what we needed

Never made another choice
That's what you hoped for
Like it could be forever
What happened
It made you what you are

All the fire
All the design
Was never enough
To put a stop
To the murder
Of our design
The thoughts
In our mind
The way we spent our time

Presently we saw
How we all made it out alive
It was like we save our life
In time for everything
To change
Once again
Like the chance we've become

Dieing is an artform
As well as what you've hoped for
People pass by
Whatever they don't know
Like the murder
Of our mind
Seeking the new
In time for the time
When you realize it all

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Pray, Shatter me

Bearing the burden
Your life wasn't made for you
Your action is required
I know why you did it
Because it felt good
Shatter me
It felt good
So I did it
But now I see
What's not to be
Shatter me
I clung to what I felt
Because it felt good
Your life wasn't made for you
I will bear everything
For my maker
And only for that
Try to persuade me
I said try
Because everything is not as it should
Your action is required
And if you fail
You will return
So shatter me
My god
I wish to be shattered
So I can receive the instruction
Do not be led
By what's in the the back of your head
The guidance is real
Shattered I see the instruction
Doubt is a disease
It used to serve my pleasure
But I've received the instruction
Seen what's important
And it shattered me
And I'm glad
Know that it's true
When you couldn't be more faithful
When your grateful
For this chance to suffer
For a cause
To know I'm real
Your keeping it
In the back of your head
But I say persist
I can feel myself cling
To the pleasant
Which is why I look up
And pray
Shatter me
To persist
And when the angel of death
Is staring you in the face
Know that you will feel the fear
Unless you live to bear your burden
And not for the pleasantries around
I feel the fear
I know it's real
Because I've lived for myself
Pitted myself
Against the all knowing
Your trial
Your tribulation
Your choice

And when the angel of death
Looks you in the eyes
Prepared to carry you effortless
Those who know they are real
Will be without fear

And I know what your thinking
That your god does not want you to suffer
You will be rewarded
With a reward beyond measure

But the only thing that can kill your fear
Bring you to paradise
Is to pass through this place
Of measure
And bounds

This place of warning
Of pleasure
And pain

It's for you to pass through
Is enough
How will you know it's real

The instruction
Is enough

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

falls in cords, of necessity

It's all on the floor
My scattered thoughts
I pick them up with an emotion
Not unlike
Draining the ocean

For here we are
As if the custom
Of needing someone
Came too soon
For our wasted youth

I see the tragedy in the teeth of the lion
And beauty in the fluttering of a house fly

Doubting that they really exist
They will move from want to want
Unaware of the true self
To dance with matter
Is a pose quite unbecoming
In one as smooth as you
Not an inkling of an ego
For surrendered it has been
And now we become refined
Can you hear the silence
Like a million jaded people
Sick on love
You can tell your human
Because your still lonely when your alone
Hurt when rejected
Sad when affected
But what is this?
The true self coming when the external world
No longer entices
As it has for ages
Seducing our souls into wanting
For which we will wander this
Landscape of emotion
It's ups and downs for a reason
It's unreasonable for you to ask me
This jacket of youth
And falls in cords
Of necessity
No longer needed
The true self is bliss
May you understand
All that you breathe is bliss
Misunderstood as an object
What is an object to transcendence?

Instead of False Hope, A Time for Spirit

They supplied the fire
With some tiny fuel
A smile here and there

A wasted life
Wasted on yourself
To please an endless sympathy
Well some would hope that there is an end
When they close their eyes
And others face eternity
And sometimes with my eyes open
I can still see

You really felt
That things would change
Further steps away from your destiny
The people change the cycles remain the same

We've been working with these hands
Forgetting everything along the way
Hoping for a physical redemption
I'm sorry my friend but you can't bring your flesh
To where your hoping to go
For flesh and blood
Cannot inherit the kingdom
Of God
And deeds of the flesh can be departed from
You were hoping for a physical redemption
Of what you see in the mirror smiling back at you
As if a glass eye could see
How could flesh look upon the beauty of the
Living God

With flesh
We've worked our lives with the flesh
Only to be taught
To walk in the flesh no more
Because the spirit calls you in
Lucky to be called
For some are still lost
Another mystery upon us
Works of faith not of flesh
Shall be preformed by the faithful
And this clean attitude is all I require
Let not the toil of your blood bring you down
And your history of flesh
The spirit was always inside
Just let it lead the way
Instead of your libido
Which I hope is fading away
Your conscience
Sure it connects but can it lead you to
The promised land
From the systematic reunion
Of the Flesh
In those below us
To the spiritual union given by above us
Can it bring you to paradise
So simply shed these things born of the flesh and walk in the spirit
The actions you perform in this life
Bring you the benefit of that body in the next

We've driven away the demons of false hopes
the lies to steal away our rapture
a rapture needing nothing but the lord
and your casket is not yet closed
your spirit reviles what you've done
these things do not mix
spirit and flesh
they are opposed
although he walked among us
do not think that you
can harbor those in sin
without first being reborn
in him

whats the point of me giving your flesh a thing
nice perhaps
for a temporary state in time
while your spirit falters
with what to do
only because you care
be called forward
do as your called
in peace
in mercy

because we walk among
explosions of ignorance
eyes full of memories
seeing only their fellows
their opportunites
and the dieing will die
and in the grace of the company you find release
our tradition

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

dance of the dead

A waste of time
Not unlike trying to turn
Water into wine
I turn my face towards my god
Hearing his signs
Wasn't enough for you
When I sought to be content in the guidance
Simply living a life of surrender
Not to please myself
Rather to please that above
And when well pleased
I feel the ocean of doubt
Drift away
Like oil on the surface of the water
It clogs
And burns away
With the spark of faith
I rehearse the favors given to me
Not appreciating was a waste of time
It was sugar coated
And you couldn't get yourself out of
The middle

Because of the temptation
Which was allowed to touch the beauty of your choice
A test
Forgiveness for not realizing
Sugar coated
Was an indulgence
And it sold yourself short
Of the glory
Of the power
Beg for your suffering to be taken from you
Beg for your wish to be granted to you
Prayer wasn't meant to succeed your wants

Rather to feel the presence
Perhaps what you want will be given to you
Would that not sell those who came before you
Those who struggled some without
The begging of their souls
The best you could ask for
Is to be shown the way
Not the indulgence of a material want
A weakness
One for which you will have no answer
For it was told before your birth
That the righteous will suffer
But what is suffering to those who
Know the truth
Like smoke on the surface
Curling away from itself
What is suffering
To those with joy in their hearts
A meaning I forgive myself
For seeking in another heart
Because it comes from above
And as I live to please my lord
The vanity is touching thin
And underneath I see strength

For those of faith
The answers are all around them
Finding something deeper
Than comfort
Certainly you will be comfortable
When you pass your test
And find glory
In the pleasing of your god
One for which all else was made
Simply to please
Don't make me say this twice
You weren't born here to please yourself
And as our forgetful nature
Hides our scars
In an imperfect memory
Living like an animal
Is living to please oneself
One's people
All of it temporary
So hold onto your legacy
While everything else floats away
Could have been so simple
To not hold your success
And failure
So close
Like the stars
In reality
You could never touch
And inside the moment
Was your chance
To surrender
And on your deathbed
Watch this all pass away
The dance of the dead
Was to live
And love
That way
Holding it close
For fear it would pass away
While the dance of the dead
Brings us temporary happiness
Lasting like our death
For a moment in time
The dance of the dead