Wednesday, September 15, 2010

falls in cords, of necessity

It's all on the floor
My scattered thoughts
I pick them up with an emotion
Not unlike
Draining the ocean

For here we are
As if the custom
Of needing someone
Came too soon
For our wasted youth

I see the tragedy in the teeth of the lion
And beauty in the fluttering of a house fly

Doubting that they really exist
They will move from want to want
Unaware of the true self
To dance with matter
Is a pose quite unbecoming
In one as smooth as you
Not an inkling of an ego
For surrendered it has been
And now we become refined
Can you hear the silence
Like a million jaded people
Sick on love
You can tell your human
Because your still lonely when your alone
Hurt when rejected
Sad when affected
But what is this?
The true self coming when the external world
No longer entices
As it has for ages
Seducing our souls into wanting
For which we will wander this
Landscape of emotion
It's ups and downs for a reason
It's unreasonable for you to ask me
This jacket of youth
And falls in cords
Of necessity
No longer needed
The true self is bliss
May you understand
All that you breathe is bliss
Misunderstood as an object
What is an object to transcendence?

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