Friday, March 25, 2011


If I didn't return
To what I knew
Then where would
I go

It takes its place
The consequence
And I take my place
To be steady

A sensation brings the mind
To a realization
Brought deeper by faith

So come and join us
If my intentions were pure
I wouldn't be here

But now I drift
Into purity

Too many memories
Of not being honest
Brings a guilt
Of distance

And I don't want to be separated
Told I am inseparable
I forget
And suffer

Now together
I am happy

The ties that bind us
Hold us together
So don't go through
Cutting them
Lost we die
In faith we live

How could you find yourself?
Without a sense of time
As science speculates
On its dimensions
Like a person
With a tie
That binds
Them close to themselves

Time is infinite
I always existed
And will always exist

At these words
Is a function
Of the energy
And the mind

Another emotion
The realization that this is real
The faith that binds us
To a higher cause
Can't be given up
Without a choice

And as we undress ourselves
Just to exist
The attraction just brought us beyond
The suffering
And only because of it's

Closer and closer
The intention
Becomes clear
It's just too amazing
To not follow from a conscious choice

And how could a choice
Be beyond reasoning?
When the mind is tied up so clearly
In its memories

When the choice is based on life
It begets life
When its based on faith
The result is clear
To those who've seen
The truth

And the voice of speculation
Is a temporary thing
Bringing the temporary
As a result

And so I won't drift
Too far
I was given a mind to exist
And a will to bind myself
To the lessons of consequence
As the purity of the soul
Is slowly released
And eternal consequence
As reward
From that which created
All of this

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Fear I have forgotten myself
In the sense of something
And my service
Now remembered
To hope I've lost
The memories which made me
In error of truth
The spirit of the law
Is the law
As the mind grasps the letters
Of the law
A confusion
Is to state the letter
As an opinion
With only the authority
Of failure
Failure is the pursuit of virtue
Thinking one has found it
In comparison to the people
Yet your creator
Gave you consideration
And the life
To realize it inside
In the cosmic experience
In this age we find ourselves
Life is the law
And eternal life
In regard
Our success

We are equals
And when we release our souls bonds
Of melancholy
Of traded opinions
And find the bonds of heaven
To be ultimate
No longer will we humor ourselves
With what heaven forbids
We want it now
But it's best to wait
And even in our fickle souls
We know this

But yet this heart
Compares these words in our minds
And in my intuition
Is a wonder of paradise

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our Cause

Well hello freedom,

I say hello, and as I sigh
I persist, rather than say

To find compassion
I began in start
Knowing perhaps?

 What follows
Depends on where it came from
To me

But then again
To analyze would be perhaps
to discover
in earnest
not to decide
the fate
of another person
or change their mind

So I discover
No reason for vindictiveness
No reason to justify
My hand in the
beast of greed
for I have been involved
and to say otherwise
would be dishonest to myself
the reason being
wishful thinking
a weakness
that for which our god
puts us in illusion
some of us
treading on others
all for a reason,
or rather a justification
What was the reason?
other have given up reason
for the sensual gains
of this flesh
for which they will be devoured in turn
by their own karma

So a reason besides compassion
is a reason at all?

Wholeness from the beauty
Yes I sat there
feeling cosmic bliss
and I felt your
and while I may have been
undistracted in my bliss
I cared

The reason is intent
and the discovery of this
a genuine right
without an equality of people
where is your mind
lost to the divine moment
given to us
together we exist
and separate we think
to dwell

thinking of oneself to be
is to be thinking
in the moment of wonder
of gods glory
we think to dwell in separation?

and our voices give so many
strength and virtue
our cause
because those who fall away
have simply forgotten the cause
and if even for a brief moment I do
forgive me
my sanity
in the hands of forgiveness
and in my heart
of acceptance

promise me
and follow through
and not just because I want you to
there's a deeper reason
life, god, law, truth
for that only to please others
is a worldy need for affection
one in which our culture is steeped
in carnality
one for which I forgive
for it is of commiseration
that we give each other
forgive me for my past transgressions
for I am forever yours

I cherish this peace
and in following compassion
finally nothing to prove

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Lack of Faith

and they no longer
the words of the lost
finding in it some semblance
of fruition
of emotion
of condensation
of their doubts

the belief
giving rise to
what follows
from it
as evidence
as to where it came from
the reality being
an awareness
inside your being
once you became
what you wished in time
it was only a matter of time
before what you wished
had changed

serving the all powerful
without the means of recollection
of false self
within reach
and the despair felt
is only an indulgence
of the mind
a lack of faith

a heavenly authority
in your core
replacing the semblance of life
and its sign

can a person put away
their mind
their will
as to feel life
from their creator
and be given the healing
of paradise
in their seat
having felt the same
I surrendered

and in this seat
the juxtaposition
of a quarreling mind
with its neighbors
and itself
and the rest
as faith is gained
but truth faith
is unwavering
cosmic consciousness
without a price
as the message is revealed
and the price

these negative emotions
are a separation
from god
from life
from its creation
and the fulfilling creative element
in yourself

the doubt will return
to your wavering mind
as an imperfect soul
quests after the same
but call out to god
feeling the love
and you will pass your test
feeling the love
you will be redeemed