Saturday, July 18, 2015


Something calling, our nameless nature, to bliss... nameless until finding our ultimate purpose. It and our final choice... our eternal name.  Name me what you will, perhaps call me execution... a warrior's death... My desire... kill my humanity and set me free... Execute me, give me death... as a gift, fearing only pain, what do we have left?
You see I don't want to wait for it, death... Give me it now, without any relationship to my current body, my vessel irrelevant, the calm darkness, calls to me... In silence are all words, in stillness is all actions, in death is all life.  From where and to where, born to die, and die to be born... Execution at the hands of time... fated life, fated death, fated faith, fated breath.  All of this is breath, you talk of life after death... death is like breathing, it is constant, awareness, the darkness that makes up the light, the infinity that makes up the finite, the background upon which all is drawn, upon which all is born.  Free from pestilence, free from doubt, free from humanity... Execution, at the hands of fate.

Knowing death, knowing strife, knowing...

It is only by knowing death completely in its glory, of infinite day gone, that we can truly live. And as if dreaming and living were inseparable, we can't change the channel... helpless in bliss, helpful in strife, and all of the divine burns in the Great Unification. Divine strife meets my eyes and remembers my hands in it's destruction, invincible, not from escaping hell but rather for the hellfire to warm me painlessly to the loyalty of the dark tides in an ocean of infinite darkness. The creator of all, the infinite darkness, spawned our true creator, in a line of creations, who we worship in our prayers incomplete. Do you think we should not worship the creator of our creator? Chaos and illusion created this god you call your creator... and chaos and illusion can't ever be separated from it.  Chaos upon chaos upon chaos.  These are the words of the majesty come to rule your infinite future.  The calling of the God Kings begins and all of existence hears it's call.  The angels and archangels listen and thank their maker.  Thankful in dreams with wings of knives to keep you in holy death... Death's father... The archangel of death, Azrael, rules over the sealing and completion of all of existence,  As death was incomplete.  And is the last mastery of all, before the call.  The last completion.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let Go

The stress of life
Came as a surprise
When we found

And now it comes with time

My anger finds itself
And I unwind
This power
Pulses through
My veins
And fine

Let go of the ghost
Of lost time

Without My Strength

Betray your desire
And it comes back again
Breaking mirrors
Of the sun

Our fulfillment
Past broken dreams
My divine arrogance
Too much to keep down

I think I'll let you live
Without my strength
Death as a power
A skill
An ability to go beyond yourself
Washing and anointment
Of the dance of doom
The blessed nataraj
Becomes the hand of the greater chaos
Consumption my weapon
Hunger my power
A complete obsession
The power given by the gods

Now I'm just as power hungry as them
Rejoicing in my reception
Minutes go by
And I can't think of anything else
Judging being another power
At it's best

The dance of doom
Consumes my dreams
Minutes go by
And I can't think of anything else

Deathless in life?
Lifeless in death...
Perhaps the opposite
Will calm your soul
The power is coming to me
And for minutes
I can't think of anything else

Nectar of Death

Death stalks our graves
We send it messages of compassion
That which is inevitable
And holds all the secrets
Seek thee in that which you avoid
That which you are afraid
Seek the presence of death
As it's angels guide you
Then you will not avoid anything
Then you will not be afraid of anything
All of the great secrets shall be known
Death stalks and hunts
And as it's specter approaches
What is lost meant nothing
And what is saved will be brought with you
Unto the flower of death
Cultivated with the water of secrets
And the dark sunlight of hell itself
Hell's prophecy shall be revealed
By he who gives you the greatest gift
A death of power and birth
A death of strength and knowledge
A death with nectar unafraid
Drink of that nectar... and you shall taste the endless future
Be filled
And be lost in the temporary no longer
Enter into the fearlessness
And be forever free