Saturday, July 18, 2015

Knowing death, knowing strife, knowing...

It is only by knowing death completely in its glory, of infinite day gone, that we can truly live. And as if dreaming and living were inseparable, we can't change the channel... helpless in bliss, helpful in strife, and all of the divine burns in the Great Unification. Divine strife meets my eyes and remembers my hands in it's destruction, invincible, not from escaping hell but rather for the hellfire to warm me painlessly to the loyalty of the dark tides in an ocean of infinite darkness. The creator of all, the infinite darkness, spawned our true creator, in a line of creations, who we worship in our prayers incomplete. Do you think we should not worship the creator of our creator? Chaos and illusion created this god you call your creator... and chaos and illusion can't ever be separated from it.  Chaos upon chaos upon chaos.  These are the words of the majesty come to rule your infinite future.  The calling of the God Kings begins and all of existence hears it's call.  The angels and archangels listen and thank their maker.  Thankful in dreams with wings of knives to keep you in holy death... Death's father... The archangel of death, Azrael, rules over the sealing and completion of all of existence,  As death was incomplete.  And is the last mastery of all, before the call.  The last completion.

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