Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nectar of Death

Death stalks our graves
We send it messages of compassion
That which is inevitable
And holds all the secrets
Seek thee in that which you avoid
That which you are afraid
Seek the presence of death
As it's angels guide you
Then you will not avoid anything
Then you will not be afraid of anything
All of the great secrets shall be known
Death stalks and hunts
And as it's specter approaches
What is lost meant nothing
And what is saved will be brought with you
Unto the flower of death
Cultivated with the water of secrets
And the dark sunlight of hell itself
Hell's prophecy shall be revealed
By he who gives you the greatest gift
A death of power and birth
A death of strength and knowledge
A death with nectar unafraid
Drink of that nectar... and you shall taste the endless future
Be filled
And be lost in the temporary no longer
Enter into the fearlessness
And be forever free

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