Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hunger... Too Warm to Care

Hunger too warm to care

Follow me to my grave
In your eyes
A familiar surprise
Wordless death
The seat of the soul
Soul's remorse 
Romeo and Juliet?
But everything changes
Transitory this is all now hunger
And I exalt it before your idols
Not your gods
Rather your civilizations assumptions
Underneath all of this
False idols beget enemies
Faith in hunger
Saves lives
Enemies of the faithful
Find themselves surrounded 
By the inferno on one side
And the abyss on the other
Pick your poison
Fate being a venom
If we meet again
In hell
I'll be too warm to care
About your want of suicide

If you can't be honest to yourself
You aren't fit to rule anything
But will fall into the many fires 
and waiting knives
So go and don't worship the justice of naraka 
This hunger being the bones of honesty
The only thing keeping eternity safe
Is a superior force
That force above the struggle of animal competition
And even worse
Human competition
Because it separates itself from its animal nature
And finds its comfort in illusions and delusions
An ignorance of the blood on your hands
Because we are guilty not of the crimes we have committed
We are guilty of the crimes we would commit
If so and so occurred
So you may think you are safe
Because you never had the opportunity
To be an adulterer
But you are guilty if you ever would
This trap fouls so many
Sexual this imperfection comes from 
A lack of faithfulness
Faith in God?
faith in your soulmate
Is the only thing that will save you
Because you are trapped in sex
And your soulmate is the only way out

A saint is made when this is realized
Not known but realized 
As never backing down from what you know to be righteous 
The realization that makes you a god
Follows this simple role
Warrior saint rather than delusions of
All of these stories have a hidden meaning
That is nothing like these modern idols
So go and drink of hope and faith
To keep you safe
Devils knives martial arts eternal destruction
Catches the mighty
And if they don't back down
Salvation reigns supreme ahimsa
Protecting all
Beneath a reign of hunger
Consuming our fear
The consumption of all things
Being beyond all of the stories
We've heard

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ashes of War

Ashes and passions coat my skin and I breathe fear of suffocation away into the great abyss
For the abyss has taken me in as I created its story
I take in the abyss
It swallows my enemies
And I am forever warm
Doubt a word I say
And be doubted by that which protects and ensnares souls
Cross the great emptiness then attempt an opinion
As grace will not allow you to even perceive 

Ashes and passions
Without either you are reborn a slave
A slave to your own destiny 
Believe me not...
What could ever separate the all powerful jealousy which holds all of this together
Our togetherness

The mind is contained by passion
Jealousy being the all powerful
Desire of worlds
Desire of the lost
The lost desire
Finding time
Finding the frost of war
In their hearts

For war was every moment
Completely felt
With enough passion
To clean the sky
Of its enemies

Consciousness our test
Freedom to the air
Of our pure suffering

The jealousy doesn't forgive
Those traitors
Who took advantage
Of our love
It burns and takes what belongs to it
Knowing that the only protection love has
Is a greater force
Than its enemies

This is the eternal war
The Jealousy
Love versus the flames of arrogance
Burning arrows of negativity
Until all has understood it
And rests in final paradise
In our togetherness
Not the egocentricity

Ashes of war
Versus the pestilence
The death and decay
Of the irrational mind
Finding nothing but the false self

The true power overlooked
Divine passion and the true self

Daggers tell Stories

Oh hush our
warring tongues

All the consciousness' of all the ages
Sing in our ears

This dust was dust forever
Until it became angel's flowers

Angel given a melody
To put in your eyes as the stars of reconciliation eat away our injuries 
How such little things can end our relationships to each other not with burning bridges but rather with drowning hearts 

Angels my heart
Devils my soul
Give me a second
To hear the echo
Stalking its prey
Like a pretty
Reminding us
Of the fallen

The echoes of time
Echoes of the ages
Echoes of angels

Daggers tell stories
Everything a fire...
The sharpness in listening
The heat in sharing.
Bound to the boundless 
Mystery to the calm
Daggers tell stories
History coming together

Rapture of Doves

Rapture of doves 
Cloud of grace
Dance of prophets 
Destructions game 

Surrendering completely to the angel of vengeance
Wants disappear 

Christ of death
Christ of war
So many Christs
But not enough doves

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Something calling, our nameless nature, to bliss... nameless until finding our ultimate purpose. It and our final choice... our eternal name.  Name me what you will, perhaps call me execution... a warrior's death... My desire... kill my humanity and set me free... Execute me, give me death... as a gift, fearing only pain, what do we have left?
You see I don't want to wait for it, death... Give me it now, without any relationship to my current body, my vessel irrelevant, the calm darkness, calls to me... In silence are all words, in stillness is all actions, in death is all life.  From where and to where, born to die, and die to be born... Execution at the hands of time... fated life, fated death, fated faith, fated breath.  All of this is breath, you talk of life after death... death is like breathing, it is constant, awareness, the darkness that makes up the light, the infinity that makes up the finite, the background upon which all is drawn, upon which all is born.  Free from pestilence, free from doubt, free from humanity... Execution, at the hands of fate.

Knowing death, knowing strife, knowing...

It is only by knowing death completely in its glory, of infinite day gone, that we can truly live. And as if dreaming and living were inseparable, we can't change the channel... helpless in bliss, helpful in strife, and all of the divine burns in the Great Unification. Divine strife meets my eyes and remembers my hands in it's destruction, invincible, not from escaping hell but rather for the hellfire to warm me painlessly to the loyalty of the dark tides in an ocean of infinite darkness. The creator of all, the infinite darkness, spawned our true creator, in a line of creations, who we worship in our prayers incomplete. Do you think we should not worship the creator of our creator? Chaos and illusion created this god you call your creator... and chaos and illusion can't ever be separated from it.  Chaos upon chaos upon chaos.  These are the words of the majesty come to rule your infinite future.  The calling of the God Kings begins and all of existence hears it's call.  The angels and archangels listen and thank their maker.  Thankful in dreams with wings of knives to keep you in holy death... Death's father... The archangel of death, Azrael, rules over the sealing and completion of all of existence,  As death was incomplete.  And is the last mastery of all, before the call.  The last completion.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let Go

The stress of life
Came as a surprise
When we found

And now it comes with time

My anger finds itself
And I unwind
This power
Pulses through
My veins
And fine

Let go of the ghost
Of lost time

Without My Strength

Betray your desire
And it comes back again
Breaking mirrors
Of the sun

Our fulfillment
Past broken dreams
My divine arrogance
Too much to keep down

I think I'll let you live
Without my strength
Death as a power
A skill
An ability to go beyond yourself
Washing and anointment
Of the dance of doom
The blessed nataraj
Becomes the hand of the greater chaos
Consumption my weapon
Hunger my power
A complete obsession
The power given by the gods

Now I'm just as power hungry as them
Rejoicing in my reception
Minutes go by
And I can't think of anything else
Judging being another power
At it's best

The dance of doom
Consumes my dreams
Minutes go by
And I can't think of anything else

Deathless in life?
Lifeless in death...
Perhaps the opposite
Will calm your soul
The power is coming to me
And for minutes
I can't think of anything else

Nectar of Death

Death stalks our graves
We send it messages of compassion
That which is inevitable
And holds all the secrets
Seek thee in that which you avoid
That which you are afraid
Seek the presence of death
As it's angels guide you
Then you will not avoid anything
Then you will not be afraid of anything
All of the great secrets shall be known
Death stalks and hunts
And as it's specter approaches
What is lost meant nothing
And what is saved will be brought with you
Unto the flower of death
Cultivated with the water of secrets
And the dark sunlight of hell itself
Hell's prophecy shall be revealed
By he who gives you the greatest gift
A death of power and birth
A death of strength and knowledge
A death with nectar unafraid
Drink of that nectar... and you shall taste the endless future
Be filled
And be lost in the temporary no longer
Enter into the fearlessness
And be forever free

Monday, May 18, 2015


Death has fallen into you...
For the promise of prophecy
For the promise of wakefulness
We saw and thought
It was a promising slumber
Perhaps the questions
Follow us

And where do we go?
As the mind is
So the body follows

Fallen creation declares its perfections
Without understanding
There is no complete perfection
Without everything
And its togetherness complete

Mortality shines as a darkness
The immortal answer to ignorance
Was not in knowledge
Rather in fear

That man who lives beyond fear
I declare my perfections
As everything which escapes
The mortal coil
The coil of kundalini
Around the material vibration
Of sexual fear

And the snake wishes a natural selfishness
That which is beyond the striving
For selflessness
The acceptance
Changes us

Fallen creation
Blames devils
But it will be that which scares you
That sets you free
For the misunderstanding of mobs
Hasn't left humanity
So I do

I'd rather have my devil fire
And say goodbye
To my humanity...
A carnal imperfection
As we talk we change
Without taking responsibility
For our own fear
Our own emptiness

A language of letters
Or understanding
Pick your poison
How could I wait
And see your poison
Blame me

Better the devil you know
Than the devil you don't

Perhaps we should blame
What we fear
A little more

Demonize the conceit
That saves us

Blame the vanity
Which becomes divine

Without your negativity
Your enemies survive
Let us gladen their hearts
And be crucified?

You will hold no godhood
In your hands incomplete
It is with our hands
That we taste the emptiness
And prey on our enemies
With the fear transformed

A hunger
A darkness
What would you wish...
Upon the hearts of man

Forgiving that which continues
Folly the hearts of man
Continue effortless
The ugliness
Of idealism

Folly and frailty
Lightseeking and sugar coated

Dreams between dreams
Why hope...
When your satisfied

The love of power
Is in both gods and man

The jealousy
A prophecy
Getting what you want
What you need
Is more important
Than fantasy
The jealousy is everything
A power complete
In everything

Burning passion satisfies
Time eternal
As long as
The truth comes from us
Like babies

Better with love  
But whose to judge
Our coming together
Save the judging
For those of us
Still in the trials
Of oblivion
Of the natural tendency of humanity
Unable to follow our nature
Because it's bad
So we make rules
To guide our hearts
As we define the sacrifice
That the jealousy defeats
With everything we ever wanted
Truly by our souls

We give up to complaints
Of the suffering
As some simply don't dwell
Others spend their lives
Denying their conceit
And the beyond, the power
Pleases me
As I burn with conceit
Values and passions
Become regret
As my path to the truth
Becomes a path to the togetherness
And that's what I promise to you
Accepting everything
This blood, this flesh
This life, this death
For every goal missed perhaps
Every want not satisfied

The hunger for correct nature
Brings us out of the emptiness
Every evil simply necessary 
Or delusion
As it moves

The base of power being in action
Words are an action
When complete
I could never say enough