Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meaningful Concern

concern for yourself
it rid you of something
that you didn't want

and time went on
for itself

taking care
of truth
the ignorance
the proof
in the virtue accorded to you

because we were never lost
just misgiven
to the things
that were consuming us
rather than given over
to the preciousness
of not being consumed
regardless of the risk
the safety remains
in yourself

And with your actions
are accorded the domain
of your destiny
lording over paradise
as we were predestined
to take
the fruit of the tree
of life

after eons of
concern for yourself

obsessions expanded
until the wake
of holy fire
left nothing
which remained
in discomfort
the thing which striked me the most
was how subtle
the suffering was lost
as layers received
like dust

nothing changed which captivated
the obtainment of glory was superseded by true worth
a value underneath
every higher motivation
everything leading upward

the value leading the soul
out of the jail
of bewilderment
that which is stuck
in the idea of stuck
is still stuck

authority mistaken
as a mechanical device
rather than
the vibration
of faith

and this obsession
we took to survive
takes no negativity
in its name
a positive addiction
meaning bringing the world together

the meaning which means action
based on the safety
of understanding meaning itself

action detached
from clinging
this clinging you remember
as it takes hold of you
difficult to be delivered from

but delivered we are
as we take our destiny
in the palm of our hand
and act not the age of our bodies
but meaningfully

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