Monday, February 28, 2011


descending back to the world
the cravings return
nirvana now in the background
no longer all that is

craving is part
of the illusion
god conscious
I smiled
now I part ways
with what I thought
till the nectar returns

knowing the difference
I was released
only to return
without a part of the darkness
only a fullness
which before
rarely existed
and a craving

blinking doesn't even feel
the same
as I saw my inner and outer
become the same

I know why the craving remains
as the remnaints
of a passionate
and the love
of god

no longer an idea
in my mind
an experience
I had

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Court of the Lord

the hesitation
was with me
and now I think
the choice to persist
was one not made in vain
I hope
salvation remains
a blessed reward
as the hopeless continue
to sing
without the blessings
of the lords of hosts
the music is that of lust
a connection
to the place of abandonment
we've all been there once or twice
a teaching so high
its hard to give

you thought how you felt
and how you felt
was not a mystery
without the blessings
of the host of tongues
you speak on a whim
without knowledge
of a game
we are lost to ourselves

so I dance
and listen
the conflict surrenders to me
because it was my heart

why are your eyes
still dreaming?
the question
the hesitation
an understanding

it could be deeper for you
but to some
deep hurts
like a cut
so to you
I offer
a flower
and a return to the game
my blessing remains
in the guidance
of my destiny

some look me in the eyes
while others are too busy
to even lie
the lie hurts
your body
that your soul is encased in

when this is over
you hold up high
the idols of the past
without knowing
where you are
it's this knowledge
that brings true persistence

so say it
and repeat it
the orgasm left a mark
on your brain
that you cant see
without the wine
of the spirit

I suppose
the mystery was created by
your brain
as the words poured out of the others
so close to you
right into your ears

without faith
life is hard
because your trial
is a prosecution
rather than a defense

I am in the court of the lord
the court of love
not lost
but one day
they may make a movie
about being reborn
and then you may believe

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Caring about someone
Is more than just
Being affectionate

It's setting them free
And if they'd prefer slavery
Can you be sure
They are in the honesty?

Tired of slavery
If you cling to each other
The age of quarrels
I was scared of the reaper
I admit
Because of the quarrels
Of my past
It is said
To die with your accounts in order
Is to be free
And to live nobly
We cannot leave our brothers
In our debt
We move on
Another vehicle
For the future

Our taste
Our grace
There's a lot more
Beauty in the world
With an open heart

It seems like you were wronged
So we repeat the cycle
Leading to our defeat
A cycle of longing
A cycle of hate

But then again
You must express yourself
Or you die
Lost in the cold
Of what was set aside
For you
By god

And when everything goes wrong
Know that you have the strength
To succumb to the virtue
Of nonviolence
A righteousness
Betrayed in every hamburger
Every chicken salad
You eat for your health
Not knowing
Your consuming
And hate
A vice
All vice is payed for
With suffering
As the ignorance
Bites your form
And your self
Wonders why

Listen to the thousand of years
Before you
Those who didn't
Became another form
Of bloodshed

Perhaps you can run
From the reaper
Into another life
Of fantasy
Where things just happen
And you aren't burdened
Or liberated
With consequence

A fantasy of childhood
Where what makes sense to you
Is fine
And that is all
You see

You see
It's a fantasy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I was lost
In you mother
In maya
Looking for a way out
Nirvana saved me the trouble
Karma is perfect
Just not linear in time
That's all
Nirvana is the cause
Of the universe
Maha Visnus breath
The union of the higher of Visnu with the lower nature of Visnu
without which desire
and maya are the separate aspects

Nirvana teaches
Can you learn?
Without the light of jyoti
We are lost
In darkness

Examing ourselves
For holes
Will not help?
May nirvana bless you
In its active form
quelling fear
the duality of the lost mind

lost and forgetful
played with by mother
in the mean time
the realized form
as Radha

is your release

(with blessings)


Dark like the shade
The earth doesn't
Miss the sun
I'm done
I've heard all about
Who you miss
The thread
Of disgrace
Runs through
The clothes of the weak

Serving a selfish intuition
Rather than the duty
Of the above
The heavens curse
Your distaste
As the judgement
Pierces your name
Another identity
With emotions

I don't wonder
Because I know my fate

As the lost struggle
For a temporary
Of time
Perhaps something
They desire
It's worth nothing

Say it's any differently
I'll watch you fade away
Not with my eyes
Rather with the sight
Given to me
By god
The boundaries
Of time

Once I realized
My mood was just a chemical
In my brain
The physical
While not to be dismissed
I call it worthless
As the birds migrate
Without my opinion
Make your own
And drift
 In this place
Full of wonder
And confusion

I need not the ways of the wicked
For they think they are strong
And I see weakness
In the howl
Of the wolf
And disgrace
In the attitude
Of the fight

What was the reason?
There is only one reason to do anything
Transcending this place
With gods name
In my mind

A mind I'll use to face
The passion indebted to me
By my past reactions
My intent

Seeking me to serve the temporary
That will last
For at the most
One hot lifetime

 An ignorance once had
Delivered by time
You were genuine
So it was just a matter of time

Liberation isn't
Worth anything you've heard
Once felt
It colored my world

Sure I dissolved my mind
But that no longer matters
As I served nothing
And now I serve a name
I cannot define
Without the word
Without the quality
Of bliss
Without leaving
This place

Monday, February 21, 2011

Of the rest

It seems so silly
Like a waste
Of what I knew
On myself
Words categories
Strewn along this path
The upheaval of the times
Lost indefinition
At least your tummy
Has something in it
Thinking can't stop
The march of time
Or color the gem
Of your identity
Any differently
So behold
The wealth was a blessing
From above
And I didn't even begin to bother
To care
Simple in my ignorance
Remembering that which
Suited my tastes
It's the passion
We feel
Concern for the resolution
Of your doubts
On the future
Of your heart

The upheavel of the times
The passion
Leading your soul
But what gives your life meaning
Is it their voices in your ear?
Whose hand are you holding now?
We beget
And we begin
To understand
As the spirit shines
We fall away
This body
I found you there
And now I shake
In the cold
Knowing how
This body is

My mood is like
The surface of the water
Bubbles of pain
And pleasure
Rising through
I. Care not
Divine love
Has brought
Past the depths
We have defined
The voice declares
In the rumble of time
Enough to the lost souls
As those who have already found their way home
Heard my voice
Long ago
An end to the decisions of the blind
The end of this comes
At the wish
Of eternity
As those in eternal rest
Remain unaffected
And the unfathomed rest
To be reborn
In a fashion
Not unlike

A decision not unlike
Dieing to live
Your memory
A host to the times
Let us forget then
The perishing confusing
Dieing in distaste
Another measure
Of ourselves
That we can break
As those we hold close
With times reunion
With fate
Those whose actions
No longer follow the words of this place
Are secure
The ropes of materiality
No longer bind
Like the memories of others opinions
Lost to the strength
Of tolerance
Insight into yourself
And the destruction
Of the rest

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I Welcome

In the sea of emotion
It only makes sense
To you

I might just be waiting
for you
     this time

In between
Absorbing the excellence
Which surrounds me

It really shows
Everything seeks completion
In its form
In its destiny

In this sea of emotions

It only made sense to you

And at the time
I made it mine
Not with my personality
My spirit

But the sea of emotion
I can sense past

It colors
The world
Brings generations values
To mind

To some
The experience
Cosmic bliss
comes to us

No longer in wonder
in dismay
in the ordinary

To serve not for benefit
but rather
for the unknown
felt in your soul
bringing transcendence
and this love

I destroy my sentimental
and in this
Am no longer lost
In the sea

To devote yourself
As a soul
to the soul of god
supreme bliss

But lost
They cannot feel
but the waves of the sea

Its superficial
I will be there
for the destruction
of this

And in the ectsacy of the destruction of the temporary
is the bliss of the eternal
know this
every moment
you think this changing
is any different than destruction?
without fear,
I see it as the same
change is just a human word
we made
while fearing the destruction
so I smile
supreme bliss
because I cannot be destroyed
and I welcome the destruction of anything that can
because that just means
its temporary

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


When a man finds
What completes himself
That stirs the spirit
The choice must be made
Complete yourself
Tired Soul
What is fame
I will fade into obscurity
The march of time
Upon the shoulders of what gave my life meaning
Rests my satisfaction
A peace of mind

Without that. Which stirs my spirit
I am lifeless
And dull
Just not ready to meet my maker
So I persist
And in this mess
Find meaning
It stirs inside me
I can't control it
I give it names
But it gives me form
From the lifeless
I am transformed
The divine
I make no separation
It makes me what I am
I feel it inside us
Drawing me forward
Towards my destiny
A perfection as of yet unnamed
In the heart of those completed
Without apprehension
We find perfection
In doing exactly what we were meant to