Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I was lost
In you mother
In maya
Looking for a way out
Nirvana saved me the trouble
Karma is perfect
Just not linear in time
That's all
Nirvana is the cause
Of the universe
Maha Visnus breath
The union of the higher of Visnu with the lower nature of Visnu
without which desire
and maya are the separate aspects

Nirvana teaches
Can you learn?
Without the light of jyoti
We are lost
In darkness

Examing ourselves
For holes
Will not help?
May nirvana bless you
In its active form
quelling fear
the duality of the lost mind

lost and forgetful
played with by mother
in the mean time
the realized form
as Radha

is your release

(with blessings)

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