Sunday, August 29, 2010

the spark

the seduction
of passion
not yet over
just revealed

my goodness
how could
your travail
end without
such an attitude causing
future pain

and as the life we lead
gives us the anointment
of pleasure and pain
the judgement of persistence
given by us
brings us to another place
revolving around such a seduction
of passion
will only lead to the pain felt
when that which seduces disappoints
as it always will
in endless time

as the truth is perceived
and felt, origins no longer worried about
sense gratification had seduced your mind
and your body simply followed
your intelligence
but to the material world
your body returns
unable to do anything
but follow

what will you return to
your original state of innocence
and ignorance
in god's history
was never overlooked
by him

material weakness
exudes after your choices
like your pores were leaking
the no longer innocent
choices you made

in the face of the silence
preaching only your surrender
 to the godhead
the silence wooing those
seduced and no longer
yes we have all been seduced
and until we surrender
the seduction taints us
further choices bring us forward
a direction seeming unnecessary
to the big picture

can you feel the essence
in your heart
bringing you everywhere
but here
was a choice
voluntary some would say
as others seem trapped
we choose to believe
in our destiny

the seduction of passion
not quite over
we ask
when we should act
act when we should
doubt when we should
and nothing can fill
that which simply follows
material nature
for long
as changes

leaving nothing unchanged
but the spirit
which seeks
only the devotion
left untainted
in your heart

and this devotion will someday
be revealed
so speak not of your past
I ask you not
about the simple toy
you made your life
to be
playing with the passion
between your fingers
our mercy bringing strength
for some time
some say
your tired cause your not pure
you left what was innate
for another drive
one less than that from where you came from
seek not
or seek
either way
will not your mind
collapse when the arrogance
filling false judgements
defeats the rapture
allowed to do so
by the darkness

the nights persist
as do the days
making us wise
with betrayal
and the facts
neither of which

nothing can extinguish
the spark
from god
that is your soul
only cover it
with a temporary nature
a covering
as it will be seen
by other also covered
hungering for this covering
to be more wealthy
than the rest
but its just a covering

like the sun changes your skin
the agony changes
your time
and your mind
marches on

the angry times
were like a simple animal
and the spirit

doesn't follow
it creates the reason
you use
to justify
your scattering
of the material modes
passion, goodness, and ignorance
the ropes bringing you to your next choice
and while they simultaneously
carry and bind
we wonder
about the facts
representing the past

Saturday, August 28, 2010

until the end of time

all the world
could start anew
and all the passion
in between us
could set us aglow
for some time...
life is a lot of things
was never meant to be
so besides the point

 the passion I held onto for so long
no longer sets me afire
and as I walk through the people
I don't know
I don't wonder what will
sometimes I have no worries
I feel saved
and then voluntarily
I enter into a contract
I choose to take on a challenge
in this material world
one for which I will be reborn again

no worries no cares
I walk faster than them
no need for intoxication of lifestyle
the lust everywhere
makes me sick
I wonder how

it just makes me sick
to my stomach
and I try
to not be pulled in
into the indulgence of our passion
no need for denial
I don't want it
this sexualized culture

sometimes its easy to care
fill me up
don't trouble my soul
I have
enough to keep me going
transcendental bliss
needs nothing else
but our creator

until the end of time
I will do my duty
indulge not in the ignorance
one day you'll feel as if you've laughed enough
until the end of time
I will serve my god

and if you feel your cautiousness
serves no one but yourself
an omen perhaps
finding something less than
the skeletons of the past

not hung up on
love for another
becomes tiring
as the cycles persist
to weave my mood
up and down

I look for something deeper
something illuminating
it makes me walk
without the world on my shoulders
the world which continues
and in continuing some seek to persist
while I find meaning
in joy coming from infinity
I tire of my expectations
this blessing upon me
cannot be expressed
it's said you die
when your next life is prepared
so prepare not for life
rather I notice
to not seek art
or death
both will find me

find me well I hope
close to my life
I still hope

although it is all so transitory
a lesson perhaps
I don't feel like I need another mission
until the end of time
I will do my duty

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The arrogance
of waiting
is waiting
without the strength required
to see this through

All the elegance
of submission
all the requirements
of Armageddon

all the necessities
of the void

We keep to ourselves
the tragedy
while those writing the story
pause to themselves
thinking not of the requirments of life
rather the deceit of dreams
pulls them in

to forever rest
at the bottom of the ocean of thought
the created

Keeping much to themselves
we ponder at the age old glory
seeing the forest for the trees
was never a fad
given in jest
to the succeeding generation
taken upon its wants
like a newborn
with everything
a new toy

The deepness
can't be faked
can't be surrendured to
whats more to know
it's in the stare given to you
to show whats beneath your appearance
as if your eyes could not see
and your ears could not hear
you were given the absolute
upon your shoulders
rests the past
the past is as common
as that which precedes you
preceding your new throne
you have crowned yourself king
it's a new day
here we are to surrender to the unknown
and upon this transitory resting bed
we rest our wants
ready for the next step
ready for the betrayel which always comes
with the new day
comes new suffering
some of it brings a memory
of the past
for that which we need no reminding
I have suffered
and in this I know
that I will not turn away
from this life
despite my weakness
and my material causes
those which begin my suffering
yet again

I am illuminated by my creator
bringing out the best in me
was never easier
than true faith
A surrender which lasts forever

Begone pain I say
this new day
is quite nice
Perhaps the transitory
can rest
upon its maker
as we share our maker
with all of the loved
all of the redeemed
quest not for that which follows material
to be alone
to be perfect in solidarity
true strength
comes to those with faith
in the unseen strength between us
and seperating us
is a vast ocean of symbiosis
all of life sharing
in the victory
and defeat
of mortality
while the nectar
is drunk
the beauty revealed
to those who can see
not for which we give
or oaths

To not give oaths
is a virtue
to those who can see
their own ability
too humble to swear themselves over
to a cause
too humble to swear themselves over
to an end
the humility
is your best defense
from the shame
which perpetuates itself
perpetuates the suffering
it could go on forever

So take from me
that which I am given
and you miss what is given to you
take from me that which does not belong
to me
and share in the surrender
 the falseness needs a new king
perhaps the rule will be sweet
and perhaps the sun needs a new twin
seeing not that which is front of you
do not regret the limitations
given to you
perhaps the answer is in the question
in the beginning of wonder
in the truthfullness
of repression
in the illusion
of doubt
your belief is plain to see
that you believe in yourself
tell me not what you believe in
for had you no belief your tongue would not move
had you no strength your body would collapse
and had you no fear your body would never

We need not that which is given to others
and that which is beginning
saved and again we venture
into the unknown
not to be known
as we are
rather to be known
as what we are becoming
and the angels speak
not to those who deceive
have not the need to deceive
and perhaps awake you will be

Forever is a long time to wait
for the end
so let it be
your creator does not want
the simplicity of self doubt
regretting itself
you were told a clever story
do not repeat
the lie
of trying out of fear
an answer will be given to you
it will keep you
but will you keep it?
regretting an indecision
regretting a spitefulness
regret too much
and your head will be lost
not in that which is in front of you
or behind
but rather no where
but your mind

you know the feeling of separation

wishful thinking
the color of trees
leaves their wings
like angels
to the sky
soak up the sun

you were a very special vitamin
i took you every day
but now i soak up the sun

every day
the similarities
shades of grey
color my subtle picture
of understanding

my deep longing
for paradise
colors my days

you were a very special vitamin
i took you every day

like a picture doesnt really capture the moment
rather the glory of the observer
colors the momentary glance
ill give up my glory
no longer coloring
my nothing
into something
these moments
have a color
that cant be described
or brought into myself

all the things I've consumed
have left their mark on me
dont be so obvious
its not like
I want to see through

it's no cross to bear
when you see
the perfection
of faith
of redemption
you would let it write
all over you
leave its mark on you

but its too perfect for that
your its mark on paradise
telling you
god has prepared a place for you
so drink deeply
for the momentary
may make you shudder
but to the perfection we return
if faith isnt for you
my pity


I'd bite my tongue until it bleeds
For your material weakness
But I'd rather not fall for weakness
Rather than that
I'd tell the fallen
Be strong
As I wonder
Having seen such false glory
In myself
Could I properly be released?
Without uncovering the truth
That taking every inch of what doesn't belong to me
And letting go
Because I saw the truth in my mind
After feeling the perfection of redemption
Somethings are a faith
That once gained
Can never be lost
But this weakness upon us
Is not set in stone
The realization of yourself
To set yourself free
One must realize the truth
Do not be proud of the sympathy
As one shares in the defeat
Not by material weakness
It will be by our righteousness
That we will be saved
The feelings which lead us into the true glory
That lead us into the power
Our weakness
They say one does not fall far from the tree
Well where then did the evil one fall
For i seek not to speak of such things
And some upon recognition
That they were created
Still boast of themselves
As I have and continue to boast
Know that the one inside, feeling the false glory
That is the boast
To that I will not give in
To glory in yourself
Is to glory in weakness
A vanity which is not becoming
If I hear the words,
Why has god abandoned me
I wonder how hard it would be for the abandoned to see
The truth in their material weakness
And in realizing themselves
See that a vanity was to abandon themself
And your god has no want
Of those who abandon what he has created
So do not in your abandonment
Further ask from vanity
A sign
The sign has been given to you
In your mind
You were given the ability
To tell right from wrong
Where the vain confusion
Set in
Wanton lust
Grew such unsightly fruit
To do bad and expect good to come from it
Is a mortal shame
Well then if I give you a sign
Have I not shown you the way
For the way is not in the glory of thyself
Rather in the strength
To not abandon creation
To a fantasy
Vanity constructs such a scene
A scene set for abandonment
You cannot hold on
To what you see
To each who suffers
May their strength not lie in vanity
And to each who suffers not
May their weakness give way to the way

clear hands

of weakness
we cannot surrender

to the rules
we lie prone
as our grace gives us our truth
that this world is not based upon unmindfullness
to be mindful of what you do
is strength
to flutter unappeased by your own self
a weakness
a vanity
like a coarseness not out of necessity
I ask you
Why would you buy from something that is not for sale?
Buying the true glory for a false end
Expecting it to work out in the end
is the most faith you can feel?
Mercy of course is given properly
You clear heart
And clear mind
give you clear hands
clear of the misery
Not for you to ponder rather
To be

Set upon us are so many shames
I am ashamed for you
For you are not ashamed of yourself
My heart was once ashamed
Of so much of myself
That i felt it not
And the fear of oneself
Will only cause suffering in vain
For you are
Turning this edge upon yourself
Have you made the error of judgement for the sake of vanity
And in error we perish
As our fear of nonexistence
Gives us a cause
I have been given a cause
And feel ennobled
But then I drift
Into the lusts of my own vanity
For a cause I must persist
My focus on mindfullness
My strength to never glory my weakness
Expecting strength in return
To do the right thing
Gains strength
For a person needs a cause
To be saved
Without reason
You are held back
in abandonment of creation

Mindfullness of what you do...
They say, it does not matter
Heeding not the signs given to them
Then to them no signs will be given
Your god does not want you
If you do not follow his signs
For he has given them to you
And to fall all over yourself
Will serve no cause at all
When you awaken
And realize the dreams of your virtues
were fantasies
That the strength you were given
Was in the correct action
Never in yourself
As all that you have has been given to you
From your life, to your death
And every opportunity in between
May the party of unmindfullness
Not take you too far
For god is mindful of what you do
Everything matters
There is no escape
non existence cannot cure your lazyness
And apathy cannot save you

Sunday, August 8, 2010

sun my bones

sun my bones, white, like the chalk of the heavens, i wrote my deary life in, until i woke up and realized, nothing = beautiful
the blissful stars we almost fell into
servitude gone as it should
perplexed by the gravity
i watch the ball roll
off the ledge
it falls nowhere
it was nowhere
i am not the ball
i am the ledge

wicked thoughts cloud the mind
a house in ruins
around what could we build
such a majestic travesty
the doubts conceal
the doubters fate
to live with palms open
to a truce of truth
i question the formless
and it answers me

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nectar of Devotion

Let me go from this place of lust and vanity
not out of desperation
or calamity
for although I was not born into peace
I will die in it

So let go of me
this place
burns its bridges
when the only thing burning me
is my passion

Hardly safe
without faith
I was born again
in faith
not in blood
and still it continues
the clouds moving like dust
the planet moving underneath
where I feel it not
but if it stops
I die
that's faith
the beauty is in the signs
given to you
to show you the way
take my efforts
and rebuke me for my selfishness
for I believe in the resurrection
you can say we are alive
but what keeps you so
time marches forward
not unlike an army
losing many along the way

I said let me go
and what I meant
was no tragedy
for in strength I shall perish
and be resurrected
and in weakness I shall
stand corrected

Perish not we cry
for the son of man was the last death of the faithful
all of faith shall have eternal life
the void may touch them not
and their pity does justice
to those in disbelief
a helpful sympathy
for you are untouched by the hands of god
besides your momentary faith in life
and the moment of your creation
will you remain untouched
or in faith will you live forever
what a silly thing to fear then
the intelligent know
fear nothing but your creator
or at least try
your efforts will bring you to paradise
and not a moment too soon
so put your mortal life on the line
and love god above all else
your mortality lost
in the nectar of devotion
salvation felt
you know I wouldn't bother
with anything else

Thursday, August 5, 2010


You can't expect the world
giving nothing in return

As my selfish sin
is blotted out

The divine
blotting out my sin

with sugar on top
is a cake
that goes down softer
without the malice

It wasn't the worst
I saw you
for what you were

So far gone
our ecstasy
of our false might

I depended on the materials
always in a vice

So I'm back here again
in want

Where else would my material instincts
bring me

Giving up on materialism
and its fruit
that which breathes more material
and more material
You can't quench the thirst
with materials
it always comes back again
So breathe with your soul
now realized as yourself
without realizing yourself
as soul
in defeat of weakness
is inevitable


it's a new day
and here we are

All the passion you could muster
along with that incited by your desire
the flames of passion are heavy
with the lusts of the past

I seek to lighten my load
release myself
clean myself
from the lust of my vanity

Everyone has a story
but if I changed your mind
I hope you smile

Cause our downfall was in
the hypocrisy
of miswanted desire
that which we did not really want
that we began ourselves with

It's over as far as i'm concerned
next step
next weakness
to overcome

And our scarred heritage
speaks volumes

Well I believe
in something
worth believing in
it gives me life

I would never mention it by name
in your company
because you're in the sidelines
until you realize
the truth

As far as vanity goes
the mirror is broken
and you know that I will come back
without the mirror
I'm still here

I had such a lightened load
for awhile
it's hard to adjust
to a life without vanity
but this is the life
we sought after in our childhood
wondering what we wanted
never truly knowing
where we would go

The eternal realization
of soul
unclouds the mind
because this is now
and the only thing my soul needs
is god
throwing out the common things
that we see so much of
coming back again

It wasn't enough for me to stay
I'm sorry
I moved on
like the wounds of war
always heal
through the generations
we fight
the lucky ones realize
it's just another game

Forever we seek eternity
until it is awarded us
the eternal bliss

And its so easy
to believe
once you've seen
the miracles
been granted life

But god picks and chooses
who to allow to see
that's the secret
that you couldn't remember
you could seek after god for a thousand lifetimes
and one lifetime
by his choice
you are saved
by your choice to agree
you are saved
and I hope you understand
that I'm not coming back here
ever again
thats the promise
and god always keeps his promise

And if I changed your mind
I hope you smile
but you shouldn't count on me
count on that above us
that which gives us a million graces
uncountable those who worship
the creator

It's uncountable
simply couldnt make for anything else
but the created
digging their new graves

To rest in
for some time

And all this passion
you feel
I wonder at its point
cause i feel it too

Its expressible
really it is

Expressing the passion
of the days of our lord
the days we were believing
came easy
another sitatuion
who would of known

It's strange by his choice we are saved
what are we to know
by what we are saved?
its safer to just submit
and be saved
rather than wonder
at the consequences
your human consequences
bother me not
for I am going somewhere
where they do not matter
and where are you going?
I gave you your chance
simply put the message through
it was not my message
but I was there to deliver it
And that was all that was required of me
so i move on

So i walk on
and yes im leaving eventually
or perhaps you could call it
coming home

With the passions so incited
with the darkest ignorance relieved
the ignorance of your self

It's all in your hope
as you hope
for another day

I was surprised
at how the love came
for my creator
it really was quite beautiful

And now that im here
in this love
I pity all else
but the love for my creator
I see how they deserve
the abyss
it all makes sense

So be simple
follow your guts
again we will submit
to our creator
and in love
be saved

In trust of the son of man
the love was given to me
and my enemies defeated
they were killing me inside

You can't overestimate your creator
its impossible
I speak easy about such things
as i've seen them myself
with my own eyes
not to wonder about
but to be experienced

How could you deserve eternal grace
without a love
that was larger than anything else
yes you must love your creator
more than life itself
for that is the way out of here

And it doesn't come easy
holding onto materialism
won't make it any easier

What will make it easier?
faith is strength
theres no simpler cause
than faithfulness
and you may have heard
love god
that does not mean
you should fear him not
for you are pathetic
without your fear of god
pathetic and you will break the rules
without fear
not all that you've heard as bad
is bad
and not all that you've heard as good
is good
to be peerless
is a scene
worth living
not many
are saved
by their righteoussness
it makes us none the less
helps us to make the grade
its not a competition
so just give up

My Fancy

so here I am
as if something was missing
I take the things
for granted
which were given to me

addicted to the social
I am forgiven in my role
for your weakness
I give up on your strengths
because they were too much

so why don't you lie now
would it not be so much easier

and when they say "its all for you"
I can see it in their eyes
the passion we forgot
a passing fancy
one day
they will be missing from your life

I find inside me
the bliss of my natural self
and when the day comes
when the people you care about
are no longer there
what will you realize?

everything I worked for
means nothing without the truth

we fought for freedom
we fought for the truth
as our desires lost our path
in the heat of the moment
I found something deeper
something i can't seem to forget
or let go of
the signs of my god
show me what will never be
so I might as well be strong
as the words help me
I will not struggle with my god
for he knows the best
for me
and my weakness
found me on this path
and now that i'm here
I struggle with that which still confuses me
as more and more
becomes clear
the struggle seems to end
until I am missing
in my fancy
that which I desire
that which I tried to change
where did I charge myself
with so much illusion
I believed in an illusion
and suffered the consequence
and here I am
with my wits about me
still I cry

its just too much to not let out
and be over with
so I am thankful
free of some of this illusion
I won't try to change you
cause this game will try to change you
into a million things
but I refuse to take part in it

I want you to smile
to take your criticism with you as you go
to leave me as I am
to be faithful
to yourself
theres power inside you
and theres nothing inside me that wants to stop you
because of my beliefs
sometimes I smile
full of the love

this moment
is different in a million ways
from that which preceded it
yet my soul remains the same
indebted I am
to the cycle
and how will I pay for my sins?
with the currency of faith
in the names you know well
I won't mention them in this field of discourse
because I am of them
I have become their property
and you cannot have me
but for your vice
I feel sorry

I wasn't made
to become independent
and yes I care
that you were taught
that you gained your lessons
in this multitude
of foolishness
the authority parading itself
like the eating of beef
I see you for what you are
I watch what you consume
and I see what comes out of you
as you curse , and expect your faith to save you in the end
or perhaps thinking not of such things
you continue into the future

because this is your time
it is your chance
to take the road less traveled
as jesus said
few will enter the kingdom of heaven
you partake of the righteousness
do not assume you are saved
for you must be told such things
it is not for you to wonder about
i'll meditate
to find myself in bliss
in my natural state

eating not of the death
is your shelter
I havent been put here to prove
to you
if you can't open your eyes
and see
then your time
your chance
may come around again
it is not my choice

like I said
I hope you smile
cause the seriousness
has worn thin
and the drama that brought you up
in this culture

won't do a thing
except what it was meant to do
and now my needs have changed
so has my suffering

blame not those who follow
it's harsh weakness
the slander
the ancients have already
taught the way
its within your reach
you know it in your heart
as we reach out to another person