Tuesday, August 17, 2010

clear hands

of weakness
we cannot surrender

to the rules
we lie prone
as our grace gives us our truth
that this world is not based upon unmindfullness
to be mindful of what you do
is strength
to flutter unappeased by your own self
a weakness
a vanity
like a coarseness not out of necessity
I ask you
Why would you buy from something that is not for sale?
Buying the true glory for a false end
Expecting it to work out in the end
is the most faith you can feel?
Mercy of course is given properly
You clear heart
And clear mind
give you clear hands
clear of the misery
Not for you to ponder rather
To be

Set upon us are so many shames
I am ashamed for you
For you are not ashamed of yourself
My heart was once ashamed
Of so much of myself
That i felt it not
And the fear of oneself
Will only cause suffering in vain
For you are
Turning this edge upon yourself
Have you made the error of judgement for the sake of vanity
And in error we perish
As our fear of nonexistence
Gives us a cause
I have been given a cause
And feel ennobled
But then I drift
Into the lusts of my own vanity
For a cause I must persist
My focus on mindfullness
My strength to never glory my weakness
Expecting strength in return
To do the right thing
Gains strength
For a person needs a cause
To be saved
Without reason
You are held back
in abandonment of creation

Mindfullness of what you do...
They say, it does not matter
Heeding not the signs given to them
Then to them no signs will be given
Your god does not want you
If you do not follow his signs
For he has given them to you
And to fall all over yourself
Will serve no cause at all
When you awaken
And realize the dreams of your virtues
were fantasies
That the strength you were given
Was in the correct action
Never in yourself
As all that you have has been given to you
From your life, to your death
And every opportunity in between
May the party of unmindfullness
Not take you too far
For god is mindful of what you do
Everything matters
There is no escape
non existence cannot cure your lazyness
And apathy cannot save you

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