Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wish No Reason

I feel it shatter me
This is lovely...
It destroys
The petty parts of myself
I've been avoiding....
But underneath
My disposition

And in the destruction
My desire becomes pure
I let the holy fire reside
In where it pleases
And now it pleases me.

Pettiness to be tortured
By distance
From your true self
Yes he lives in my heart.

Before you were just a hit
Now I can't help but care.

The destruction
Of impurity
Beckons us
To freedom.

This worldlyness
Is a distraction
From our communal life

No one can separate themself
From everything
But yes
I see the uglyness inside myself
Known as selfishness

You can't free yourself from the world
Because it doesn't bind
It's inside of you

This power
Breeds compassion

A deeper spiritual ecstacy
Dawns upon
The filling of the body
With the holy fire

Deeper than can be

I never meant to
Oh I never meant to....
But I did.

Why excuse myself
When I have to deal with the consequence
I'd rather remain a piece of this

A servant forever
So give me my tongue
And this teacher will speak through me
Through this fire burning
In my stomach

I ask not to deny
The silence
Rather to commemorate
This life
And our part in it

You can be a pure now
I know because
I see the fire everywhere
Receiving the spirit
Of the commemoration
I lose the name
Of the struggle
To be separate from creation
Was my enemy
And now I smile
My happiness is for you

My heart sings
For the power
To show you
The feeling

To receive the spirit of everything
You ever wanted...
Yes, it's a mystery.

No longer shall my pass
In this place
Be a warning
Fill yourself
With the glad tidings
Of the spiritual ecstasy
Of the redemption

And this carnal suffering
It speaks of mistakes

I don't want to do it for myself
Cause I made you happy...
And this selfishness
Is worth nothing
The repetition of mistakes...

I'm calling you to nothing
But that which your soul desires
That which our father has prepared for you
In the time
Your suffering shall leave you
I know
For I suffer
And am redeemed

 I repent for my selfishness
And am redeemed
And there is no suffering
Besides that which is given
To the selfish

This strength is no conception
I fall into suffering
As I become selfish
And I feel the power redeem
And wish no reason
Besides you...
They say the end is nigh.
In vanity
To judge them
Is vain as well
And the trap holds the agressor
Just as it holds
The victim

Because the enemy
Is inside

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A changing heart
Finds itself in its surroundings
Emotional truth
Find itself
In other's eyes
And it's all there is

Too easy to not be a coincidence
Don't take the wisdom
And set it apart
It's important as a part of this
Yes... the whole

Doubt found itself
Negating the system of values
Coming before you
As an expression of the doubt
As the cycle repeats
Trust finds salvation
In faith

Call it what you will
We got swept away
In the moment
You can't avoid the truth
Without denial
Of what you want
As well as the just reward
For following through

All obesiences follow the power
Of the kingdom
Or your falling over

This time
I try
In the center
Knowing my enemies
Are inside

My Christ
Satisfies the heavenly host
As it descends in delight
Upon the land
In the form
Given to it
By the father

And the love follows
As form follows future
Future follows form
 Lost in the emotional nuances
Almost found a new enemy
Argue argue
There's a story to be told
In our actions
And this wealth is spread throughout the land
It's in the twinkle of our eyes
As we turn the mush
Of inanimate objects
Into interest
For the greater good

 I see
What I couldn't confront
In front of me

The emotional rift
Between another
Changes with the conversion
Of ignorance to trust

As we learn
The highest law
Of love
And trust
Defeats the weakness
In all its forms
As that which doubts
See another form of weakness

Raising voice in
Or victory
Either or be humble
And comfortable
To relax is beyond us

Greet your enemies
And confront them
We came not to lie
But to expose the truth
And in this we delight in the glory set aside
For us

Rather than take
What is not ours

Folly speaks in a language of deceit
Childishness we learn to avoid
With each suffering separation
From our heavenly desire
That which satisfied our soul
And gave us our light
Our reward

The carnality is comfortable
Thats why rebirth
Begins with a death
I died to the law
To be reborn

And in the spirit
We confirm our soul's delight
It begins with emotional trust
But no
The comfort follows
Habits of denial
We've made juries of our mind
Judging for ourselves

Yes nature says
Kill to survive
It also says doubt what you don't understand
Eye for an eye
Leaves everyone blind

He came to set you free
From this
That cannot happen
With contention
To survive in carnal comfort

A judgement rests upon
A perception
Of an emotion
Based in distrust
And your lost

Yes, if not?
Why did you say
Something without thinking of the consequence
And act in a way to punish
As if your brother and sister
Were deserving of something bad
Instead of mercy
I find condemnation in my heart
And this enemy
I struggle against
Is in myself

Your brethern deserve compassion
As we give
What it takes
Another breath

And what it follows
Trust, hope, love
These are the positives
Bringing you beyond

I cannot rest in myself
For this place
Is a transition
To our reward
That brings us together
All of creation
Purrs around us
Vibrating with the energy
Of lifeforce
If we step back
And pursue the habits of virtue
The story to be told
Stretching back in time

Yes the faith of hope
Speaks to those
Who feel it in their heart
As others follow the path
Their judgements lay out for themselves
A path of human desire

I rejoice
For desire can be satisfied
And in time
The genuine nature
Showing us
Our own doubts
Dug our graves
As our brothers and sisters
Stubborn as well
We kill ourselves
With each denial
Of the truth
And we pray
That the light finds you well

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Unity of Selflessness

I think this world can bend and break
Before I do
Perhaps because
 I signed myself to a cause
Of selflessness

And now the patience
Comes as tomorrow

Did you need to pull me in
One last time?

I think the world
Of you
My brethren

But I'll let the world bend and break
Before I do

Selflessness doesn't break in pieces of emotion
Known as negative
So I'll break it all
My carnal self
Reborn in the spirit
Of patience
Of diligence
Of satisfaction

 Where were you
When I needed you?

Now it's all of
The partial
Or the whole?
What will you choose?

Is just a lack of
You see that desire
Yeah it will be back

The Angels have taught
The way
And made saints of many
And through this spiritual discourse
We seek the savior

Ask and you shall receive
If you ask with faith
Your resurrection shall occur

The power is not to get what you think you want
But to get what you truly desire
In your heart
That which satisfies
Your soul

And in return
For getting what I want
The words of discourse
The ignorance

You see
A challenging life

I see perfection taking
It's course

An idealistic surrender
When you feel
The superior force
For the greater good
It will save you
From a lifetime
Of suffering

And as the kingdom takes it's place
We achieve our destiny

So stay pretty
If it's all you can do
For none is worthless
under the sight
Of the lord

As we serve
We rule
In our servitude

The authority of our father
In heaven
Carries us forward
If we choose
The path of correction

The holy spirit
Descends to the temple
Of our being
And shows us the meaning
Of satisfaction

How can something
Pain the spirit of satisfaction
For the blessings bring you beyond your means
And what can break
Doesn't need to be fixed
For to lose the life of attachment
Is to gain the life of bliss

And this bliss is spiritual
Not material
Not of the crowd of temporary sustenance
Is the unity of the spirit

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blessed Be Our Vessels

Find my course

I go with the fire
The holy fire...
The errand of the portrait
Is the seeking of release
Yes paint me a portrait
Of your heartbreak

I'll find release
I let myself die
To be reborn

And now I'm not trying to understand
Because the spirit is with me
I just look at the scenery
You see this mystery
I see angst clouding a perfect sky
And the spirit is release

Dieing to never feel this way
The flesh permutations of pleasure and suffering
I give in to sacrifice
Rid myself of this
Give me the spirit of grace
And I am grateful
Lo' and behold
The poverty is increase
As I hold not the false king
Of glory
Of materials
To increase my ego

The dust settles
And I wake up to the memories
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Anointed as our savior
It's like I can hear
The chimes
Of heaven
And the story they tell

And swim in this glory
Of holy fire
I will never seek freedom
From the yoke of Christ
Shall I give you a word?
If not the word of the kingdom
Full of discretion
And warning
So hope
That your words become full
Anointed as our savior
And you sing
Of the anointed we come
To live through the death of the consequence
Of the law
The fulfillment of the law
Lives in my heart
As the spirit resides
In another redeemed
By the blood of Christ

It comes through
A genuine sacrifice
Becoming a toll of another lost soul
Finding the light
A toll of grace
Given in blood of the anointed one

I see
You see
How petty it would be to shake this off
The words you say
And judge
Oh receive the spirit of judgement
The spirit of patience!

I won't put bondage on the free
So don't judge me
Because life is all around us
As we refer
To ourselves
Your pleasure
Is nothing compared
To the spirit of grace
The spirit of things to come
So I surrender
And to not be whimsical
My whims die
To not be fanciful
I release from my lost self

And in benediction
I find something worth
This vessels time
And my creator
Blessed be our vessels
For we drink from the infinite
Yet to find anything
Worthy of distracting me
With the finite grasps
It grasps onto me
As I grasp
And the holy fire
Sets me free

So I see

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Spiritual Whole

The spirit of peace
Is in the spirit of war
The tone of one
For the benefit of the other

Yes we fight for peace
And this indiscretion
You see it put me at ease
Not because it was what I wanted
But because it was a part
Of all of this

The spirit of happiness
The communion of life
Disciples of fate
Between the rhythm of time
What makes a man a man
Is it his sight?
Though the blind tell you how to strut

The communion of life
Brings us forward
Receiving the passion of saints
Those whom we look to help
Deliver us
And in our brotherhood
We find a grace and a benediction

And in our brotherhood...
We don't wait
To tell each other
How we feel

Receiving the flow of compassion
Each moment
Part of the spiritual whole
Do not struggle against the glad tidings
Of our salvation
For no one will be saved alone
But rather in the spirit of graciousness
The spirit of benevolence
The spirit of brotherhood

To the Spirit, I Hope, I Am Free

I look back on my scars
A spiritual conquest
Gone awry
And now the spirit resides
In whatever it touches
Through me I see
A primal destruction
Of whats wrong

A spiritual surrender
To the spirit of fate
From the spirit of
Our free will
Oh heavenly father
We seek to know

To surrender my will
Again I remember
A time when I was gone
From this place

And in my surrender
The spirit resides
My ego dies
A primal destruction

The spirit of the modern world
Lifts me up
To the skies of a proper civilization
In spirit we fall
To be caught
And in the flesh
We are nevermore
Only a fault
And a feeling

The image of doubt
Was the image I thought
Again I surrender
To the spirit of defiance
To the petty indiscretion
I hope
I am free

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Fruit of the Spirit

I try reality
A deepeness not in the muck
Twisted ankles
Can't step back?
And relax?

Funny to find the middle
Where the washing occurs
I follow the fruit of the spirit
Where there is a great washing of spirit
The flesh dies

One last time to find the truth
Shadow is just a separation of the light
Cursed in its increase
And ever defeated by the prisms of the seed

Try the rest?
Try reality...
I can let go of this and submit
To the holy fire
Of saints
And pray

How can twisted ankles
Step back
And relax?

No certainity
When I speak full
In the vanity
I listen to the words of man
Back again
No remission
Without sacramental baptism

It is in the certainity
That the words are not my own
The outpouring of the spirit

I just let it happen

Tragedy is to not receive
The gift of the spirit
And take your position
The herald of your reward
The call of the golden blessing
Sealing your fate in the faith of truth
The heavenly reality

Still the answers exist
For the questions we never seek
Lo' the distance was a failure
Don't stop for ourselves
No reason besides the forgotten

The answer was not a burden
To be forgetten
Like a failure
Too soon to be forgiven

And far too soon
To not be an end to the part
Desiring the flesh
A carnal excuse I hear far removed
From our creation
I try to be respectful
With my body

Thank god for the fire of the heavenly host
You will be surprised
When it descends
Burning an increase
Into your happiness

We are the the anointed proof
To the power
Still wanting to increase?
Not watching the spirit remind us
Of our savior

In my increase
I can't just let this go
Proof to the power is inside of us
Receiving a gift
Spiritual remission
Of this flaw

Dancing with remorse
A flawed recourse
Difficulty strain doubt and then release
It's the tribulation of the sense of self
Those with sincere hopes may last and cross the gate of Heaven

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Not To Repeat the Lust of Mistakes

Looking for meaning
In an injection
A confession

 The realization a year later
It wasn't  done to come to an end

It was to forget about the rest
Things aren't always what they seem
In retrospect I should have admitted
This place confuses me

But instead the course of actions
Sprawled through the satisfaction
Of carnality
That I still feel inside of me

I'm losing a disinterest in life
The consequence of
Seeing an illusion so clearly
As to ignore the rest

Its a shame what we do to ourselves

There's nothing so close
Love it and hate it
Let go
Don't go back
To repeat
The lust of mistakes

Its easy when you understand
I know
The signs
It felt right
But I know
The signs

And wow doesn't it tell a story
Your life
Once glorified
Now I see hedonism for what it is

Not a meaningful life response
I broke away
To actually learn
To deal with life
Breathe in
Breathe out
The breath continues
Because of the grace of paradise

Came down to the line
Once or twice
Not a lesson I'd try to teach anyone
The lessons of carnality
It won't pick you up
But I will
Cause it's not that hard
Once you've been through it all

Returned to my heart's desire
Try to take it away
Sorry babe
I break easy but not about the same things
I guess everyone breaks at different crevices

I was searching for something else
Theres the sign
The locality denied
Life is in the center
Negate the truth
And suffer

I won't betray my life's desire
To live another life
I like this one

Brace for the challenge
That I should have been prepared for
If I was paying attention
To the signs

There's a solution to every problem that exists
Just can't block it and fuck it

My heart desires to settle the score
Which feels impossible
So I set time on the wire
And wonder why
Karma is the consequence

I don't need to see this any differently

Setting time free
I forgive myself
Lose the baggage
I know I won't forget the feeling

I can look at you
I forgive everyone

Right in the eyes
I can look at you

Its useless to get screwed up
Just because
Reasons fulfill us
And that will just repeat
A slave to the cause
Of hedonism

I'm not like you
I didn't break down and cry
Except when he died
Cause that day
I didn't even want to do what I did
Yes this is a confession
I lied
The truth is carnal
Too carnal to tell
So I confess to God
And gain respite

And you know the feeling
When you know what your doing is wrong
And you do it anyway
Well maybe you don't
But I'm sure you notice
When your confused
And don't know which path to choose
Those are two completely different things

One is an action
The other is a mistake
So fuck the spoiled life of hedonism
It rots the fruit of our ambition

Closes the options
To killing yourself

Our life is to short to color it with rotting fruit
Of what we thought we wanted
Only to later in life
Realize your regrets

I thank god
For my life

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Tone of Beauty

I wouldn't go through the trouble
To take another look
And then move on
All big things
Are open
Like the sun
For all of us

I wouldn't follow
You to anything
But safety

Another day
And we'll find ourselves
On the floor of our ambitions
Wondering what's its worth
If it's all for show
What do you do when it's over

I saw the pattern
In the dust of our becoming
All things are golden
In their true forms
Sealing our days
Into the future

He says bottoms up
Full of habits
As if life was a broadcast
To the broken
I'd prefer the habits of grace
Fulfillment in the glory
Of getting by
Keeping it to yourself
Makes you happy?
How could something outside you
Stop your guts from forming
 another sentence
The intention was inside

To embark on the journey
Was the broadcast
Complacent in sedation
Sedated in sleep
The sleep of judgement

The tone of beauty awakens
Enough fire for both of us
The fire crackles
We will never

As if the gradation
The discrimination
Could help you find yourself
It's not a word
A verse
That I'm looking for

And as the fire of expression consumes
A paralyzed libido
 Sexual energy
Lights the sky
Not necessarily
Not becoming of sobriety
A class to itself

So petty to close the container
Without knowing
It's contents

And the light sparkles
In the eyes of the becoming
Not too curious
Because I was no longer interested
In your weakness
But I can feel the same
It goes over me
Like the plagues of egypt

I breathe easier
Knowing your there
What does that mean?

And I saw the vision on the wall
Too soon
To repeat these mistakes
Over again

Another chance?

We are still under the sun

Leave me alone? Leave me alone...

Something that's really real
Pulls at me
To express the glory of creation
I subdue
This passion
Pulling at the edges of me

So brace yourself

Sunday, June 5, 2011

From Your Guts

To speak and not hold it inside
I won't stare at the consequence
 I'll remember how it was
Cause I got lost
In the beauty of the world
Couldn't see my mistakes
Now I don't wonder why
Cause I'm here

Our desire transforms into
This is me
With the right
The world is yours
We hold it inside
And then explode
Does it matter?
Cause there's nowhere to hide
From opportunity
From possibility
I wouldn't want to be
As if
What my heart wanted
Didn't matter

I notice,
Eventually I decide
To let go
And just do what I wanted
All along
Why bother trying to avoid
What I really wanted
All long
And the height
Of satisfaction
Betrays the carnality
Of vice
To satisfy is to live truly
As we want

So let it come out your mouth smoke
Or go down your throat
Either way I shouldn't be judging
Just here all the same
The choice of moderation
Is how we move

And I know the reason I forget
Is inside of me
It's real
As if this was a transition
And it won't repeat itself

I see the reasons
Stealing our time
Away from the indiscretion
Of bliss
Feeling a unity
Not to be separated
From the dictionary

And I say
My reason will never bother you
Because it comes and goes
With the sounds
Surrounding me
Yeah that's my reason
And the knowledge
Allows the self
To celebrate
With the equality
Of harmony

And then when I suffer
I remember
This isn't me
Couldn't be because I know
The bliss is what I am

So perhaps
It's time to pledge
Ourself to a discrimination
Our mind had made
As a tool
For this face to see
It's reflection
It's consequence of desire

A ripple of careless things
Teaches me to care
While I take my time
I'd take care of you
But baby your too far away

It's time
To smile in our own life
The completeness of our self
Lost in the judgement before
A fullness, in my self
Gathering the grace
Of unity
Nothing is too kind
To be temporary
As I release myself
From the darker
Create and be a part of
The unity

Trust is a lot deeper
Than your skin
The assumption that it would ever matter
I trust, these kinds of things
The kinds that remind me
Who I am
The kind that
Show me not to look in you
For something inside myself
 As the servant
Rules the kingdom
In his content heart
It's the power felt in the enlightenment
Of the transformation
Of sexual desire
Life, to enjoy this energy
Without the detraction
Of modified

Creation comes from your guts
Finding something more meaningful
We often feel as if
It didn't matter
Where we've been

But instead I think
To remember
And wonder