Tuesday, June 28, 2011


A changing heart
Finds itself in its surroundings
Emotional truth
Find itself
In other's eyes
And it's all there is

Too easy to not be a coincidence
Don't take the wisdom
And set it apart
It's important as a part of this
Yes... the whole

Doubt found itself
Negating the system of values
Coming before you
As an expression of the doubt
As the cycle repeats
Trust finds salvation
In faith

Call it what you will
We got swept away
In the moment
You can't avoid the truth
Without denial
Of what you want
As well as the just reward
For following through

All obesiences follow the power
Of the kingdom
Or your falling over

This time
I try
In the center
Knowing my enemies
Are inside

My Christ
Satisfies the heavenly host
As it descends in delight
Upon the land
In the form
Given to it
By the father

And the love follows
As form follows future
Future follows form
 Lost in the emotional nuances
Almost found a new enemy
Argue argue
There's a story to be told
In our actions
And this wealth is spread throughout the land
It's in the twinkle of our eyes
As we turn the mush
Of inanimate objects
Into interest
For the greater good

 I see
What I couldn't confront
In front of me

The emotional rift
Between another
Changes with the conversion
Of ignorance to trust

As we learn
The highest law
Of love
And trust
Defeats the weakness
In all its forms
As that which doubts
See another form of weakness

Raising voice in
Or victory
Either or be humble
And comfortable
To relax is beyond us

Greet your enemies
And confront them
We came not to lie
But to expose the truth
And in this we delight in the glory set aside
For us

Rather than take
What is not ours

Folly speaks in a language of deceit
Childishness we learn to avoid
With each suffering separation
From our heavenly desire
That which satisfied our soul
And gave us our light
Our reward

The carnality is comfortable
Thats why rebirth
Begins with a death
I died to the law
To be reborn

And in the spirit
We confirm our soul's delight
It begins with emotional trust
But no
The comfort follows
Habits of denial
We've made juries of our mind
Judging for ourselves

Yes nature says
Kill to survive
It also says doubt what you don't understand
Eye for an eye
Leaves everyone blind

He came to set you free
From this
That cannot happen
With contention
To survive in carnal comfort

A judgement rests upon
A perception
Of an emotion
Based in distrust
And your lost

Yes, if not?
Why did you say
Something without thinking of the consequence
And act in a way to punish
As if your brother and sister
Were deserving of something bad
Instead of mercy
I find condemnation in my heart
And this enemy
I struggle against
Is in myself

Your brethern deserve compassion
As we give
What it takes
Another breath

And what it follows
Trust, hope, love
These are the positives
Bringing you beyond

I cannot rest in myself
For this place
Is a transition
To our reward
That brings us together
All of creation
Purrs around us
Vibrating with the energy
Of lifeforce
If we step back
And pursue the habits of virtue
The story to be told
Stretching back in time

Yes the faith of hope
Speaks to those
Who feel it in their heart
As others follow the path
Their judgements lay out for themselves
A path of human desire

I rejoice
For desire can be satisfied
And in time
The genuine nature
Showing us
Our own doubts
Dug our graves
As our brothers and sisters
Stubborn as well
We kill ourselves
With each denial
Of the truth
And we pray
That the light finds you well

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